One of two letters criticizing Art and me in today’s tribune.
The recent behavior of Duluth School Board members Art Johnston and Harry Welty defies description. Outrageous, ridiculous, childish and appalling are words that come to mind, but even they don’t or can’t express the frustration and dismay some of us feel.
It has become increasingly clear that their real motivations for serving on the board were to disrupt, bully and grandstand in order feed their egos and pursue their personal grievances. Disagreement and opposing viewpoints are important, and the School Board needs to hear from all constituents. However, the approach that Johnston and Welty have taken isn’t helping anyone. Instead, they attack, manipulate and gum up the works. Johnston, and now Welty, acts as if it’s OK to violate ethical guidelines, to expose confidential information and even to risk the sale of the Central High School property, all because they have cast themselves as “victims” and therefore rules don’t apply to them.
Meanwhile, the real work of the School Board is sidelined, including working on solutions to address inequality, poverty, performance and other serious issues. Now we face more dreary months of recriminations, all because Johnston refuses to take a look at his own behavior, admit he stepped over the line and bow out. And after his performance at the Dec. 2 School Board meeting, Welty seems to be begging that he, too, be censured or removed.
Gail Trowbridge