Happy Thanksgiving.
As promised this is the rough clay model I’d hoped to use to put a sculpture on my lawn – Pilgrim and feast. The snow I was counting on to finish this never materialized and you can see the forlorn beginnings of the sculpture as I can see them from my office window:
The turkey only needed a little padding and some tail feathers. The Pilgrim needed a lot more work to begin to capture Norman Rockwell’s masterpiece. Mine would have looked hungrier.
We brought our grandsons home last night as per our usual Wednesday arrangement and they will be with us until company arrives for a turkey feast this afternoon. The boys wanted to watch the movie “Free bird” this morning but I objected. Its about brave turkeys who go back in time to the Bay Colony to stop the turkey devouring tradition started in Massachusetts in the 1620’s. The movie’s birds succeed and get the and Pilgrims to eat pizza instead. I was alarmed that the boys would demand we go vegan on them today but my older grandson reassured me by demanding to eat our bird’s heart after Claudia cooked the giblets.
I did wake up at 1 AM and had to crawl out of bed to type up a round of questions I’ll have for Attorney Mary Rice. That took a couple hours and crawling back into bed didn’t lead to sleep. At five my younger grandson crawled into our bed and snuggled next to me. It knocked me out of my snarling mood and replaced it with a smile.
It should last through the day.