Bush was elected as a result of, and on the heels of, a Christian resurgence that began several decades earlier. His undoing could be the result of a similiar religious revival in the world of Islam which I doubt he ever gave any thought to.
The idea of dying for a noble cause is ancient. Its best remembered in secular terms by our famous patriot, Patrick Henry, who proclaimed, “Give me liberty or give me death.”
I have no idea if Henry, a product of the religiously skeptical Age of Enlightment, even believed in an afterlife but he certainly argued that death was a worthwhile price to pay for liberty. American soldiers hang their helmets on such sentiments. Now imagine the pleasure that the ultimate sacrifice would bring if you were allowed more virgins in the afterlife than you are allowed wives in this one.
If you want to really appreciate the tarbaby that George Bush got us into check out this jaw dropping video.