My reply to a letter to the Duluth School Board suggesting that Denfeld is being shortchanged as a result of “favoritism” at Duluth East High.
Thank you for your letter concerning “favoritism” in the Duluth Schools.
First let me explain that I was only able to read the first page of the letter. Somehow my download only allowed me to see that first page. There was nothing I found surprising in your reading of research on the subject. Because I could get no further I can’t respond to the entirety of your message.
I can assure you that I’ve been worried for many years that our bifurcation (dividing in two) of Duluth would lead to this situation or something very like it. The best way to address this would be to pump more money into the western half of our schools. We do not have this money available without pulling it from elsewhere. That elsewhere might end up having to be Eastern Duluth Schools. I would not oppose this should it prove necessary to end the favoritism.
If you would be kind enough to send me the letter to my personal email address I would appreciate it. Hopefully you could put it in the body of the email in case I have just as much difficulty opening it as I had in my District email account. That address is
Harry Welty