A resolution based on our attorney’s legal analysis

You taxpayers won’t get to see the three page analysis from out Attorney that you have paid several thousand dollars for him to write up. See my snarky email comment to my fellow board members here.

But it has resulted in a resolution for us to consider which I agree with to wit: we will publicize all the charges and accusations that are being made against Art Johnston rather than treat him as an employee of the District whose personnel records can be shielded from public view. (my paraphrase to spare you unnecessary and painful legalease)

I suspect that when the accusations are made public, God knows when, they will end up proving to be a huge embarrassment to the accusers. If so, maybe we could ask them to foot the taxpayer’s legal bills on this. They are surely adding up. Thankfully, we will get a monthly update on those costs as they accrue.

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