Its not just stealth that has kept me away from Lincoln Democrat but busy as a beeness.
I agreed a month ago to build a garage out of snow for a commercial for Town and Country garages. I did the same thing a number of years ago and they wanted to reprise the ad. I spent a large part of two days piling up snow in my back yard up over my head and got the rough shape completed when we got that 14 inch snow dumped on us. I spent even more time shoveling that off my driveway and sidewalks. Sleeping has been a real pain in the neck for a couple days. No pillow has managed to soften the blow.
Well, I’m sort of recovering. Just took one advil this morning. The photo shoot was over by eleven AM. I hope my ad generates lots of business for them so I can collect my small remuneration.
Sore shoulders have given me one other excuse for staying away from the keyboard but I’ve had to return to it to answer a dozen or more recent emails to my School Board email account with the District. When I first managed to get in after a week of struggling to get a password straightened out I found 92 emails to pour through.
I like responding to emails but I gather that other Board members have shunned the practice. I know nothing frustrates constituents as much as getting the sense that elected officials are ignoring them. I don’t even think that they care whether Board members ultimately agree with them. They just want some sign that their concerns have been heard.
Most of the recently snow flurry of messages concerned snow days. I found myself saying much the same thing over and over.