i recommend starting this series from the beginning.
Frank rallies in his conclusion. He’s barred his bare bottoms to the School board like Mel Gibson now its time to turn his blue painted faces to the English on the School Board.
“When will there be a settlement? What will it take? I don’t have an answer for either of the questions. I don’t know. I do know this; Duluth teachers deserve a raise. You have earned it. The school board needs to negotiate in good faith and make a proposal which we can accept.”
I know what Frank Wanner wants and he’s waiting to see if the voters pass either of the levies. If the first one passes it will not provide much additional money only about 6%. Frank wants it. If the second passes Frank will want it all without having to share it with new teachers who can bring the class sizes down. He’s not likely to be any more reasonable if the levies fail but that would limit what he could get if a supine school board afraid of his insults rushes to buy him off after November 5th.
I pray that the Board holds fast if the levies pass. The public would have every right to scorn the Board if the money they were voting on to reduce class sized simply went to enhance the retiring teachers high fives to earn them a more generous retirement. That’s who Frank always negotiates for.
I mentioned in a preceding post that Art Johnston mentioned Frank only wants to pay teachers more not hire new teachers. I had the same experience with Frank in 1997.
I was working to pass an operating levy referendum that the school board slated to hire new teachers in the elementary grades. I was surprised that the DFT was unwilling to endorse it. I asked Frank why not and his reply was familiar and succinct. “What’s in it for us?” He wanted it all for exiting teachers.
Duluth teachers are a lucky bunch to have this thirty year fossil as their fearless leader. Let’s hope that nobody reads this blog post and lets the word out that Frank is not interested in reducing class sizes. It won’t do much to enhance the levies’ prospects. If they do let this damaging information out I hope they add that if I’m elected to the School Board Frank will only get his way over my dead body.