Day 4 campaign picture September 4, 2017 Yesterday’s five hours of door to door ended with one very nice location for a lawnsign with two young parents who went to school… Continue Reading
Snow sculpture Trading card 48 of 50 September 4, 2017 Three people have told me that pictures have failed to appear in my recent posts. I was afraid that would continue but judging by… Continue Reading
DAILY CAMPAIGN PHOTO 3 September 2, 2017 As you can see in the lower left there is a TV station logo on this picture. This is cheating. I was so busy… Continue Reading
My campaign banking account is down to $16.00 September 2, 2017 I was thrilled today when I got this note with an order for a pack of trading cards: Darn near doubled the campaign kitty…. Continue Reading
Trading card stories – Card 22 of 50 September 2, 2017 I had a heartfelt conversation with Loren Martell this morning before setting off to go door to door. He pleaded with me to remove… Continue Reading
Daily campaign photo 2 September 2, 2017 I mentioned the free range chickens I took a picture of for the second daily photo from the campaign to Claudia. She just said… Continue Reading
Daily campaign photo 1 September 2, 2017 I was about to give up on my Facebook Page but a dozen folks seem to have responded to my call for friends. And… Continue Reading
About my Facebook Page September 1, 2017 I’ve been scratching my head over my campaign Facebook Page. I tried to post something on it today. I will friend anyone in hopes… Continue Reading
An unsolicited email which pretty much agrees with me September 1, 2017 So very sad to see the rationale behind the DNT endorsements. Maybe they should step aside from the process since they are stuck in… Continue Reading
The Siren song of the lotus flower September 1, 2017 As a child I was quite taken with Greek Myths. Reading the Odyssey in junior high I thought long and hard about the sailors… Continue Reading
DACA September 1, 2017 How much has America spent educating 800,000 children illegally brought into the United States by their parents as infants and toddlers? If its anything… Continue Reading