Art Johnston’s Statement on Resolution SP-5-15-3269. May 20, 2015 (For which I stood to applaud afterwards in breach of school board etiquette.) It is with a heavy heart that I see the school… Continue Reading
I desperately want to write about mowing my lawn May 20, 2015 That’s a joke. I mentioned at the beginning of today’s posts that I walked around dictating words or phrases into my cell phone for… Continue Reading
The first time I desperately wanted to write May 20, 2015 Claudia and I took six or seven years to decide whether to bring children into this crazy world. It meant a couple strong hints… Continue Reading
I’m going to mow my lawn today May 20, 2015 At the end of last night’s school board meeting those of us on Art’s side walked around looking relaxed and a little self satisfied…. Continue Reading
Do I have a choice? May 19, 2015 I linked to a blog post from a very bright analyst of the Duluth Schools last week. Karl Schuettler is an East Grad now… Continue Reading
Two quick reactions to the resolution censuring Art Johnston: May 18, 2015 From my Mother: “It takes two people [sides of the Duluth School Board] to have a fight.” Jesus of Nazareth: “Let him who is… Continue Reading
RESOLUTION CENSURING ART JOHNSTON May 18, 2015 Member ________________________ introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CENSURING ART JOHNSTON WHEREAS, on June 10, 2014, the School Board authorized an… Continue Reading
I kind of wish Erik would have run for Mayor May 18, 2015 Representative Simonson signed on to the legislation that would have made what happened to Art impossible for a school board to pull off again…. Continue Reading
Art sent the School Board an email regarding tomorrow’s censure resolution. May 18, 2015 8:21 AM (2 hours ago) to william.gronse., michael, anne.harala, rosalie.loeffl., judy.seliga-pu., me, william.westho. The school board is at a potential junction where we… Continue Reading
Why I need to write “Good People For Kids…” May 17, 2015 The Duluth News Tribune has aided and abetted the folks who despise Art Johnston. It follows a pattern I’ve seen in Duluth over the… Continue Reading
If I write that book I think I’ve got my title for it May 16, 2015 For now its only a working title but this seems so appropos: Good People for kids Learning to hate each other Wrecking their own… Continue Reading
A blog haiku for u May 16, 2015 Haiku – I will write a book -Judge Hylden – Lusitania by Eric Larson – wrestling with my conscience – Tom Agnew’s example -“They… Continue Reading
A shot over the bow May 15, 2015 Chair Michael Miernicki once said when he prevented Art Johnston and me from getting information related to something, probably the Red Plan’s financing, that… Continue Reading
Keep your eye out for tomorrow’s DNT May 14, 2015 I wrote and distributed a letter and two possible resolutions for next week’s meeting to the five majority school board members last night and… Continue Reading
Parsing the District’s generous press release and… May 14, 2015 …the establishment of our new “Censured-Member-of-the-Month-Club” “While the Board believes that Johnston’s misconduct is sufficient grounds for his removal, But not willing to prolong… Continue Reading
Pound the table May 12, 2015 I just read the District’s email regarding their wild goose chase here: “While the Board believes that Johnston’s misconduct is sufficient grounds for his… Continue Reading
Ah, but will the Board reimburse Art for his legal expenses or will I have to fund raise all summer? May 12, 2015 There is still so much more to tell. Oh, an in case you were wondering………This is a real threat! I’ll be damned if Art… Continue Reading
The School Board backs down May 12, 2015 MEDIA RELEASE May 12, 2015 FROM: Art Johnston, Member of the Board of Education, Independent School District No. 709 (Duluth) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE I… Continue Reading
Why am I holding my tongue right now? or… May 12, 2015 …as it would be sounded out “Uai annnmh eye hoading by ton weye dthow?” Try holding your own tongue and see if it doesn’t… Continue Reading
Stealth is for ninjas May 10, 2015 I’m not a ninja. I’m not an open book but I presume anyone who visits this blog with some regularity does it to find… Continue Reading