Republican spokesman Rush Limbaugh wants my wife to post porno videos … March 2, 2012 …of the two of us having sex because her contraceptives have been covered by insurance. So is Rush a spokesman for the Republican Party?… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day March 2, 2012 belated Since I haven’t been on the Internet all day and its now 9:30pm. Continue Reading
A blogger dies with his boots on – so what? March 1, 2012 Andrew Brietbart died in large part because he couldn’t stop mattering in the news, in his blog, in the culture war. This is how… Continue Reading
I answered “yes” March 1, 2012 But then again, that’s nothing new for me. I’ve been running for political office since 1976 and always told voters I smoked marijuana. I… Continue Reading
Damned typos March 1, 2012 My buddy is dancing on a pin. His email: On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 11:40 AM, ********** wrote: Harry: From Our better… Continue Reading
Our better angles would find something less repellent to say… March 1, 2012 …when an adversary, no matter how odious, died. But better angles, as the previous post hints, are in short supply in America today. Continue Reading
Conservative Judicial activism March 1, 2012 Its a joke. And that’s a double entendre. Continue Reading
Big and white March 1, 2012 My daughter posted a comment on her Facebook page about my starting a new snow sculpture. Being a good daughter she knew she was… Continue Reading
It turns out that Republican mad bombers only support … March 1, 2012 …the minority in Israel who are mad bombers and that means an Israeli minority. Extremists always seem to gather in a posse together. That… Continue Reading
Blog stats for a Leap Month… March 1, 2012 …or is that leap of faith Month? We enjoyed a Leap Day Blizzard yesterday. So does that mean March came in like a lamb… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day March 1, 2012 Fatigue I slept well with ibuprofen in my system but I’ve got more work to do subsequent to the Leap Day Blizzard and I… Continue Reading