I gushed about this story… March 16, 2012 —it deserved more explanation. Sorry I over enthused. So is the producer of This American Life. Continue Reading
Was all the low domestic spending by the GOP… March 15, 2012 …just a way to allow the nation to fall into disrepair? We’re now ranked 23rd in the world in terms of infrastructure. The American… Continue Reading
Hoisted on your enemy’s petard March 15, 2012 Michael Brodkorb was a rising star in GOP politics. He was as I recall a hotshot in the UMD College Republicans when I was… Continue Reading
Writing an Obit March 14, 2012 I wrote the obituary for my Dad in 1987. I wrote another obit today. The family is sure to make some changes. Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day March 14, 2012 Thaw It was 70 degrees at our house today. I made sure to spread out the snow on the patio so that it would… Continue Reading
After all the GOP ads… March 13, 2012 …how about an Obama ad? After you wipe away your tears remember. To the Tea Party this is a family of communists. Continue Reading
FOX News is the Establishment March 13, 2012 Shilling information from Rick Santorum. Oh well, Rick did OK without establishment help tonight. Continue Reading
Destroying email could bring down the English Government March 13, 2012 From the Daily Dish. The District and JCI got our attorney just at the time he was about to be given access to it…. Continue Reading
Next year will be even worse March 13, 2012 for the Duluth Schools: increasing the student to staff ratio by another 0.92, a move that would mean about 12 teacher layoffs and likely… Continue Reading
Word Search of the Day March 13, 2012 Its close enough to ten I’ll post a little. In honor of Mitt Romney I thought “mire” would be a good word search. Then… Continue Reading
And the GOP is good on the economy too. March 12, 2012 Here are a bunch of GOP econ gurus led by their hero Laffer laughing off the man who correctly predicted today’s bust back in… Continue Reading
Report a massacre and you will probably find… March 12, 2012 …the GOP’s kind of voter: – It’s a start. Now for the rest of the bastards. – Congratulations to the soldier, give him a… Continue Reading
The new Cheerleader of the GOP March 12, 2012 Warning America – Obama is taking us back to the antebellum years: Sarah, What’s wrong with the Fugitive Slave Act? Continue Reading
Republicans of the South… March 12, 2012 …are No doubt embarrassed by the Declaration of Independence: Asked whether Obama is Christian or Muslim, some 45 percent of Alabama Republican respondents picked… Continue Reading
Bookin it – Yeah, so I lied about not posting March 11, 2012 I regretted my promise even as I was making it. I stewed about it and came up with a compromise with myself. I’ll post… Continue Reading