“You couldn’t put a facilities plan together counting on money that you don’t even have.” December 22, 2011 And yet while we have to pay the banks back no matter from what pot they take the money our classrooms can be funded… Continue Reading
Perspective on Ron Paul’s Newsletters December 22, 2011 There is increasing attention being paid to old newsletters which went out under Congressmen Ron Paul’s name in the 1990’s when he was more… Continue Reading
War on the Poor December 22, 2011 If this chart is right then after the conclusion of the Depression and World War II it took the average renter a week’s income… Continue Reading
Come over and sit by me December 22, 2011 A server at a restaurant this morning apologized after relating a series of disturbing bits of intelligence about the Red Schools of Duluth. I… Continue Reading
JCI’s phenomenal ability to coach School Administrators… December 22, 2011 …to lie through their teeth. 12/14/11 School district audit shows financial “crisis” never existed By Marshall Helmberger We now know for certain what many… Continue Reading
Merry Christmas from Ebeneezer December 21, 2011 Sullivan has it about right when he says that Congress…”hate[s] Obama so much they are willing to raise taxes! Think how deep the derangement… Continue Reading
Let the Duluth News Tribune know what you think December 21, 2011 The last paragraph of the editorial posted in full previously is just too precious not to follow up on. I’m sure the Trib would… Continue Reading
No sight December 21, 2011 As a friend who emailed this to me commented, “What a difference a year makes.” Duluth News Tribune Published July 23 2010 Our view:… Continue Reading
Foresight vs. Hindsight December 21, 2011 Foresight = LincolnDemocrat Feb. 10, 2010: Dr. Dixon made it sound like the programming he was willing to trim was not all that important…. Continue Reading
But not by much December 20, 2011 According to tonight’s news on WDIO The School Board has been advised by its attorneys to make no comment on the 30 days paid… Continue Reading
The only place more dysfunctional than the Duluth School Board is… December 20, 2011 … the GOP Take your pick: Republican Congress giving 160 million Americans a tax increase for Christmas. The GOP Presidential Campaign. Tony Sutton leaving… Continue Reading
I don’t know any more than you do. December 20, 2011 The only place more dysfunctional than the Republican Party is the Duluth School Board: Duluth school district Superintendent I.V. Foster was placed on paid… Continue Reading
Take that Fox News! December 19, 2011 Ron Paul is surging in Iowa. Young people have no illusions about the rest of the GOP’s presidential field even if Roger Ailes says… Continue Reading
My Buddy challenges me on Lakeview December 19, 2011 On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 12:12 PM, my Buddy wrote: Harry: Regarding what you say at http://lincolndemocrat.com/?p=4821, aren’t you missing something? Shouldn’t the… Continue Reading
Korea’s Dittoheads December 19, 2011 They are a larger percentage of the population than in the U.S.: Continue Reading
Making a “good plan into a great plan.” December 19, 2011 Loren Martell, still licking his wounds from losing to a clueless incumbent, offers his latest critique of the Red Plan and the Board that… Continue Reading
Soul searching at night December 18, 2011 Its not quite eleven pm. I was putting the throw rug, now dry, back on the basement floor. While doing that and sweeping up… Continue Reading
Coal in the Christian Academy’s stocking December 17, 2011 My Buddy taunted me to offer my opinion on the Lakeview Christian Academy’s pestering the School Board to sell it the Old Central Location… Continue Reading
a Republican political honor killing December 17, 2011 I wouldn’t likely have commented on the surprise resignation of the Minnesota Senate’s Majority leader, Amy Koch, had it not been for the four… Continue Reading
More heat than light December 17, 2011 As a few people know Claudia used to run the local power company. (Oh I forgot, all my potential new constituents don’t know that… Continue Reading