Energy Independence – when the wind dies down May 16, 2006 Â Â Last weekend when I was visiting my brother I was introduced to his neighbor. The neighbor, was an engineer who spent last… Continue Reading
Energy Independence Rumpelstilskin May 16, 2006 We subsidized the growing of corn to produce ethanol. What if we just used grass to make it. It turns out that the much… Continue Reading
Americans- Yea or Nay on NSA phone monitoring? May 15, 2006 Polls have varied widely on whether Americans approve of the NSA’s phone monitoring. Mystery Pollster explains: “Well, another day, another — very different —… Continue Reading
Gotch yer number? May 15, 2006 I heard an interesting and partly reassuring conversation on NPR this afternoon. The USA Today reporter who had broken the NSA phone record story… Continue Reading
Small World May 15, 2006 Speaking of the Bye family. . . its such a small world. My next door neighbor in Mankato, Minnesota, Mary Lofy was a friend… Continue Reading
Bye Again May 15, 2006 Don Bye was elected the 8th Congressional District DFL Chairman again over the weekend. The News Tribune’s story says he was the chair for… Continue Reading
A former City Councilor chimes in May 15, 2006 I just got a call from a former city councilor. The Councilor too enjoyed the column. The Councilor also told me that that the UGLRC scandal helped convince them… Continue Reading
Boo May 15, 2006 After my last post I returned to the manuscript and found it a little quicker read. Thank goodness. Before setting it aside to get in a my… Continue Reading
And if they didn’t like what they heard when they were tapping you? May 15, 2006 Matt Yglesias has a few comments on the NSA’s phone tapping everything and everybody a la Big Brother. If you think the Bush Administration wouldn’t… Continue Reading
TMI May 15, 2006 Reading the Boyd manuscripts is going to be a challenge. Its death by a thousand details. I know that in the end a simple… Continue Reading
Not a definition but a darned good description of politics May 14, 2006 “In politics, there are no right answers, only a continuing flow of compromises among groups, resulting in a changing, cloudy and ambiguous series of… Continue Reading
and Bush saved us from Clinton? May 14, 2006 President Bush and the GOP reveled in the self righteousness proclamation that they brought integrity back to the nation. Do Americans agree with that… Continue Reading
Oberstar’s endorsment May 13, 2006 Today the 8th Congressional District DFL endorsed Jim Oberstar at their Convention. I had been tempted to distribute a brochure with the lovely picture… Continue Reading
The Devil Made Me Do It May 11, 2006 USA Today reports that 19% of Americans think that the book and movie “Da Vinchi Code” is the work of the devil. I wonder… Continue Reading
Old News May 11, 2006 I’m writing a book online. Its not the book I had planned to write. Two others were already in the waiting. One was an… Continue Reading
Blogging away from home May 11, 2006 The worst part of blogging away from home is using the smallish keyboard on our new laptop. My big clumsy fingers punch all the… Continue Reading
Million Dollar Man May 9, 2006 The Million Dollar Man Published May 11, 2006 “Last November I had great fun writing about the dirty business which may have helped launch… Continue Reading
Will Democratic Demons sabotage Democratic Hopes? May 9, 2006 Thomas Lifson editor of “The American Thinker” writes this short piece on the anger of the Democratic Party’s “secularist fundamentalists.” Over the weekend I… Continue Reading