Rototilling May 26, 2006 Its a beautiful day in Duluth, Minnesota and my wife is taking the day off to garden. He rented a rototiller and I’m planting… Continue Reading
Cartoon missing . Common Sense also May 26, 2006 I thought the DNT’s in house editorial cartoonist had it about right today but since his toon hasn’t been put in the DNT’s website… Continue Reading
Tidbits May 25, 2006 I’m not really ready to put chapters together on the Boyd book. What I’ve written so far are just tidbits although they may turn… Continue Reading
My bet with Will May 25, 2006 I had lunch with my old buddy Jerry and Will Munger Jr. today. We got talking about the race for Congress in the 8th… Continue Reading
George Pal not George’s Pal defeats the Screwball Army May 25, 2006 The growth of information available on the Internet continues to amaze me. A few years ago I don’t think I could find this little… Continue Reading
Thou shalt not lie May 25, 2006 Pat Robertson (the self described “Christian businessmen”) is selling his protein shakes by saying that he can leg press 2,000lbs. I’ve never been a fan… Continue Reading
But their President still denies the Holocaust May 24, 2006 Iran will not be forcing religious minorities to wear special clothing. Continue Reading
Suddenly the Constitution seems important May 24, 2006 The GOP Congress hasn’t shown any particular fear for the rights of Americans as we’ve prosecuted the War on Terror until . . . The… Continue Reading
And speaking of Saudi School Graduates May 24, 2006 He’s baaaaaack. And he say’s we’ve got the wrong men. Continue Reading
Apes and Pigs May 24, 2006 Its in the book. A Saudi 4th Grade text book. On NPR this morning. Â “The center’s report cites numerous examples. It quotes a… Continue Reading
George McGovern is no longer looking for votes – just the truth May 23, 2006 Labor in America. It ain’t the way it used to be. Continue Reading
Population Bomb vs. implosion May 23, 2006 After the book Population Bomb came out predicting disaster from overpopulation the Green Revolution postponed the calamity leading to Conservatives pooh poohing the prediction as… Continue Reading
I’m Platinum May 23, 2006 I got this in the mail today. I haven’t given the national Republicans any contributions for ages if ever. One question. Since this was… Continue Reading
Keeping their distance from Bush. What will Grams do? May 23, 2006 From the Wall Street Journal. Are GOP Congressman panicking? I wonder what Grams will do? Will he let Bush fundraise for him and if… Continue Reading
Cheney’s Guy May 23, 2006 US News and World’s account of David Addington – Chief advocate for smothering Congressional and Judicial powers during war. Its nine pages long. Continue Reading
Delay’s spiritual advisor May 23, 2006 Today’s NPR story explains how one of Congressman Delay’s right hand men used his religious connections to get rich and funnel millions to Delay’s… Continue Reading
Pink Triangles, Yellow Stars etc. May 22, 2006 There is still a dispute as to whether religious minorities in Iran will be forced to wear identification as such. If it turns out… Continue Reading
Posting a picture without permission May 22, 2006 One of Congressman Oberstar’s staff asked me to remove a picture of Mr. Oberstar. I did so. You can see the picture at Oberstar’s… Continue Reading