Bullying Awareness Prevention Month… October 14, 2013 …is October. I do not have all the facts of this next story. It is a sobering story both tragic and a bit of… Continue Reading
I wasn’t kidding about being too clean September 9, 2013 In my August 2nd Not Eudora column I joked that the real reason for our health maladies was not vaccinations but too much hygiene… Continue Reading
High School Football fini? July 12, 2013 I want one of these for every high school football player in the state of Minnesota. I’d rather be sending my son to grad… Continue Reading
Demographics #1 April 5, 2013 I’d heard recently that American women’s longevity, which for so long exceeded men, was beginning to wane and men were catching up. That is… Continue Reading
How the GOP’s private enterprise health care costs stack up against the world’s socialist models. March 29, 2013 There are 20 more graphs here that compare other medical costs. They are all just as bad or worse. Continue Reading
Death in the modern world March 25, 2013 I spent a long time looking at this graph. Its seems to suggest that war has become a less likely cause of death in… Continue Reading
Two workers on staff in my Mom’s wing January 25, 2013 I went to sing to my Mother this morning. I took a bunch of new songs including one I just found that she used… Continue Reading
June 29, 2012 “A government with the power to force us to buy health insurance can also force restaurants to serve black people.†From Bruce Bartlet’s Facebook… Continue Reading
Why Obamacare won on a technicality…. June 29, 2012 …called a majority: “Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be “constitutional” does not make it so. The whole… Continue Reading
Bill Gates has one smart wife May 14, 2012 From the Daily Beast: Gates believes that by focusing on the lives of women and children, and by making it clear that the agenda… Continue Reading
This is one of the Reasons the RINOs were hounded out of the GOP March 23, 2012 To prevent them, our Senator David Durenberger and a host of others included, from introducing a law like the one President Obama got passed…. Continue Reading
Pretty soon we’ll find out if the Supreme Court… March 23, 2012 …is going to join the President in destroying the Constitution when they rule on Mitt Romney’s brainchild of mandated health insurance payments: Wish I… Continue Reading
This Republican proposal sounds a little like gang rape February 17, 2012 Virginia Republicans know a good cause deserving of becoming law: Virginia House has passed a bill that would require women to undergo an ultrasound… Continue Reading
The GOP’s business… February 16, 2012 …is not a lady’s business. Apparently: This morning, Democrats tore into House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) for preventing women from testifying… Continue Reading
Sweet Poison February 1, 2012 My Buddy sends me this indictment of sugar The background is well-known: In the United States, more than two-thirds of the population is overweight,… Continue Reading
Don’t read this post’s link unless you have a strong stomach and… January 4, 2012 …a scientifically curious mind. Here’s a hint on what’s at the other end of this link. A number of years ago I was grossed… Continue Reading
No wonder he’s going nowhere in the GOP field October 7, 2011 Republican Presidential candidate New Mexico governor Gary Johnson defending “federalism” and one particular small business. “We have a drug war along the border that… Continue Reading
“The answer was ‘no’.” September 13, 2011 And on the subject of Republicans running for National office my buddy rightly points out that in my video clip of the Tea Party… Continue Reading
“Are you saying society should just let him die?” September 12, 2011 Only a fool would trust these people with Social Security and Medicare. From last night’s Tea Party Presidential Debate: Continue Reading