Unity08 May 31, 2006 I just read about Unity 08 in Newsweek. The upshot: “The Unity08 plan is for an online third-party convention in mid-2008, following the early… Continue Reading
Filling up the empty nest May 30, 2006 After four years on his own our son is moving back for the summer. The nexus of his lease ending and making plans for… Continue Reading
Memorial Day May 29, 2006 A little before 6AM I got up and raised the flag over our front yard. It was foggy and the harbor fog horn was… Continue Reading
Incumbistan – otherwise know as one party America. May 28, 2006 Chicago Sun Times conservative columnist Mark Steyn washes his hands of the GOP Congress. A sample: “After all, the GOP’s 1994 Contract with America… Continue Reading
My bet with Will May 25, 2006 I had lunch with my old buddy Jerry and Will Munger Jr. today. We got talking about the race for Congress in the 8th… Continue Reading
George Pal not George’s Pal defeats the Screwball Army May 25, 2006 The growth of information available on the Internet continues to amaze me. A few years ago I don’t think I could find this little… Continue Reading
I’m Platinum May 23, 2006 I got this in the mail today. I haven’t given the national Republicans any contributions for ages if ever. One question. Since this was… Continue Reading
Making this user friendly for my more senior readership May 20, 2006 I’ve had a few older folks tell me that they’re having a hard time navigating through my stuff on the Upper Great Lakes Scandal…. Continue Reading
Glitches May 19, 2006 I gave up a little past midnight last night trying to insert the sample of the FBI letter to Don Boyd in the second… Continue Reading
Oberstar’s endorsment May 13, 2006 Today the 8th Congressional District DFL endorsed Jim Oberstar at their Convention. I had been tempted to distribute a brochure with the lovely picture… Continue Reading
Blogging away from home May 11, 2006 The worst part of blogging away from home is using the smallish keyboard on our new laptop. My big clumsy fingers punch all the… Continue Reading
Good Long Day May 7, 2006 Late last night I worked on my Reader column. It’ll be a doozee. I sent it in an hour ago after sleeping on the… Continue Reading
Family Gossip May 5, 2006 I got a flurry of email yesterday concerning a proposal to set up a center for the history of World War I, named after… Continue Reading
Breakfast with a convict May 3, 2006 Last year I wrote a column about an ancient local political scandal involvingĂ‚Â Jim Oberstar’s questionable funding sources for his 1974 campaign. I mentioned Don… Continue Reading
No time to blog April 24, 2006 I’ve just started two posts on topics so big it would take a day to edit my thoughts into coherence. I’ve saved but not… Continue Reading
Lesson in the Sub Caucus System April 22, 2006 Like the Republicans the Democrats that met at Woodland Junior High managed to put the platform on the backburner. In the case of the… Continue Reading
Off to the races April 22, 2006 I’m off in ten minutes to the DFL District Convention. I’ve got an early meeting of the Rules Committee to attend. Listening to Weekend… Continue Reading
A Good Reading April 22, 2006 The Sedaris reading was great fun. Its the first reading I’ve been to since college when I heard Dick Gregory. Guess I’m just not… Continue Reading
David Sedaris April 21, 2006 I’m going to hear a reading by David Sedaris at the DECC tonight. Never heard of him? He’s a hoot. Sometimes an x-rated hoot…. Continue Reading