Is the Republican Party “multiplechoice”? March 18, 2012 If it nominates Mitt Romney it is. Which is why I don’t blame any of the RINO haters for trying to stop him: Continue Reading
Some random thoughts on Rush Limbaugh’s culture wars November 22, 2011 Look at the graph below about teen pregnancy in the US. I have a number of thoughts in reaction to it which I don’t… Continue Reading
Thowing garlic at Christie October 3, 2011 My Buddy sent two conflicting columns about the potential for a last minute Presidential bid by Governor Chris Christie. The first from the Atlantic’s… Continue Reading
Pro-lifers might be offended by Brazil’s… September 6, 2011 … fascinating example. Population scholars like Jose’ Alberto Carvalho maintain a lively argument about the multiple components of Brazil’s fertility plunge. (“Don’t let anybody… Continue Reading
All those missing girls June 30, 2011 From pro-lifer Andrew Sullivan who at least has open eyes: Let me address Mr. Douthat’s sentence: “The tragedy of the world’s 160 million missing… Continue Reading
My time sink goads me on abortion May 23, 2011 This is an email I just received on a subject I’ve said little about of late: Harry: Regarding abortion, maybe Republicans aren’t as out… Continue Reading
Trading on your Daddy’s name May 21, 2010 I get emails regularly from Worldview Weekend by “Brannon Howse and friends.” Its an unrepentant combination of right wing politics, Christian fundementalism, and profiteering…. Continue Reading
let her die May 20, 2010 If you take this decision to its logical conclusion it would be preferable to the Catholic Church to shoot women than let them take… Continue Reading
Googling Porter March 11, 2010 I didn’t know who Janet Porter was and Vic sent me a succinct email suggesting I not watch such “kooks.” So, I just googled… Continue Reading
Good graphic data January 28, 2010 I just found this website which has superior, if not perfect, graph graphics. The thumbnail above comes from its most recent interactive graph on… Continue Reading
“Abortion on demand” December 31, 2009 I wrote a while back that during the Red Plan controversy I chose to avoid almost all other issues on this blog. That time… Continue Reading
Is Palin a Poser? September 16, 2008 As a thirty-year Republican pushed to the margins by a Party which has made abortion its first test of loyalty I’m struck by this… Continue Reading
To Russ on Abortion December 22, 2006 Finally, here is my reply to Rev. Young’s letter to me about abortion. I don’t mean to hide behind semantics where abortion is concerned…. Continue Reading
I’m going to Hell December 21, 2006 I’ve been cooresponding with Russ Young. He recently demanded that I correct a ten month old entry in my website. That entry was a… Continue Reading
Delaying action December 5, 2006 I’ve just sent the following email to Russ Young under the subject heading “Some answers are required.” Rev. Young, I’ve just sat down to think… Continue Reading
“a correction is required” December 5, 2006 I got this email the other day from our local columnist, the Rev. Young. Its subject heading was “a correction is required.” I emailed back… Continue Reading
Thought for the Day September 25, 2006 Grams Oberstar Debate Well, if Debate Minnesota won’t let me in their debate because I don’t have half-a-million dollars to advertise myself at least… Continue Reading
Readers in the Trash April 29, 2006 I went swimming this morning and noticed on entering the fitness center that the stack of Readers was gone a mere two days after having been put… Continue Reading
The Aborted Girl April 25, 2006 My Reader column for this week begins: “In 1990 I was ecstatic when the popular Republican, State Auditor, Arne Carlson replaced the opportunistic, “pro-life,”… Continue Reading