The man who Reagan took to the woodshed for telling the truth… March 9, 2012 …is still telling it. David Stockman Q&A from USA Today: Q: And what are the consequences of that? A: The consequences are horrendous. If… Continue Reading
It turns out that Republican mad bombers only support … March 1, 2012 …the minority in Israel who are mad bombers and that means an Israeli minority. Extremists always seem to gather in a posse together. That… Continue Reading
OMG, We’re falling behind – let’s nuke Iran! February 20, 2012 We Americans don’t even account for half of the world’s military spending. Ike was a fool to warn us against our Military Industrial Complex:… Continue Reading
“I ain’t much of a hand at makin’ speeches” February 4, 2012 Thinking about Israel’s starting a war with Iran kept me up for an hour stewing about the stupidity of our pit bull in the… Continue Reading
A Romney I supported… January 21, 2012 …when I was 17 year’s old. I could support him today too. I was delighted to find this video clip on the Daily Dish…. Continue Reading
Mr. Moto January 8, 2012 Claudia loves old Charlie Chan movies. I’m not such a fan of them. I remember an “informative” speech a classmate gave back in high… Continue Reading
One case where Ron Paul makes more sense than Obama January 6, 2012 Its Iran. And both of them are righter than the rest of the GOP: Fifty years ago, [China] was the Iran of its day,… Continue Reading
GOP RIP January 4, 2012 Two things have jumped out at me about the Iowa Caucuses. Newt Gingrich’s threat to go after Ron Paul for letting Iran have the… Continue Reading
A great ad… December 22, 2011 …and a big middle finger aimed at the neocons. This ad is an indictment of Obama as well and well deserved. I’ll have to… Continue Reading
There are times I wish Wellstone was still in the US Senate December 8, 2011 The Daily ShowGet More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook BTW – one of the truly serious accusations… Continue Reading
Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh City December 8, 2011 About my last image of the North Vietnamese capitol was a grainy picture of John McCain being fished out of a river. That was… Continue Reading
Mathew 12:37 – “For by thy words thou shalt be justified… December 5, 2011 …and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” KJV Cambridge Edition Here are some of Newt’s including: “we should not tolerate” what the First… Continue Reading
Fighting our Wars on the Cheap December 4, 2011 It might be hard to argue that after spending a trillion dollars and more on the War on Terror we could have lowered the… Continue Reading
I must hate America too December 1, 2011 Upon reading this my first reaction was to think that its author was an incredible ass. But then I remembered hearing him interviewed on… Continue Reading
Israel as America’s Serbia October 5, 2011 One of the things I remember liking about the George Herbert Walker Bush administration is that he kept Israel on a tight leash. He… Continue Reading
Giving peace a chance September 29, 2011 A little optimism from Steven Pinker. He’s not the first to make the argument. Having recently watched the great anti-war movie Paths of Glory… Continue Reading
The more truculent and territorial Israel becomes… September 22, 2011 …the more of a threat it is to the United States. Unless, that is, you are looking forward to the Rapture. Bill Clinton defends… Continue Reading
All coked up September 21, 2011 America’s puritanical, prohibitionist laws regarding drugs are deeply flawed. I found this arresting image as I peeked back at old NPR stories I’d missed…. Continue Reading
An Afghan “court jester” September 17, 2011 Its another world over there: “Over our food, which we dug into with our hands, Atta boasted proudly of Pashean’s many talents, telling me… Continue Reading