Juan Percent January 30, 2020 My Column on Brooks v. Rogers got a very quick kick in the shin A long time critic of my columns under the sobriquet… Continue Reading
The Reader added a little color to my cartoon June 13, 2019 I like it. Here’s the column. Continue Reading
Nixonite not Kryptonite, Either one is deadly to supermen January 30, 2019 After skipping a Not Eudora column for the past two weeks I am pleased to have cranked one out yesterday. It remains to be… Continue Reading
“Beware the Jackboot” – my latest Reader Column March 29, 2018 The Readers are still being placed in their bins across town but my column is already on their website. I don’t want to discourage… Continue Reading
From hundred’s to thousands of readers November 6, 2010 My eight loyal readers no doubt enjoyed my cheeky riposte to the School District’s attorneys as they attempted to silence me. One of my… Continue Reading
My latest Not Eudora Column July 29, 2008 Gone with the Wind Published Aug. 1, 2008 “As a little kid growing up in Topeka, Kansas, my family would often troop down to… Continue Reading
No One Died Stupidly June 20, 2008 My column in the Duluth Reader today. It begins: “None of our senior graduates in the Duluth area died stupidly this spring. At least,… Continue Reading
Always tell the truth July 2, 2006 Tonight I just submitted my last column to the Reader Weekly. You can read it here. Continue Reading
A dialogue June 26, 2006 Jason wrote back in defense of Ford Bell to say: “Except it’s not a ‘cold heart’ (as you imply that Bell has) for calling… Continue Reading
Ford Bell is a philanthropist June 21, 2006 My latest Reader column: “Ford Bell is a philanthropist. He must be. I heard it on public radio when he announced that he was… Continue Reading
My latest Reader Column June 5, 2006 Just turned it in. Its about Unity08 “Can a purple America rise up out of the ashes of the Red and Blue States? That’s… Continue Reading
Meet Harry Welty June 4, 2006 I just figured out that my digital camera would take movies so I decided to record myself reading my recent Profile of Courage column…. Continue Reading
Thou shalt not lie May 25, 2006 Pat Robertson (the self described “Christian businessmen”) is selling his protein shakes by saying that he can leg press 2,000lbs. I’ve never been a fan… Continue Reading
Profile in Courage May 21, 2006 Â The Northland Reader won’t be coming out until next Thursday or Friday but with the submission deadline moved up three days I’m forced… Continue Reading
Million Dollar Man May 9, 2006 The Million Dollar Man Published May 11, 2006 “Last November I had great fun writing about the dirty business which may have helped launch… Continue Reading
Will Democratic Demons sabotage Democratic Hopes? May 9, 2006 Thomas Lifson editor of “The American Thinker” writes this short piece on the anger of the Democratic Party’s “secularist fundamentalists.” Over the weekend I… Continue Reading
Blood on our hands May 8, 2006 As America was winding down in Vietman and “peace” activists demanded we withdraw I was very troubled about what would happen to our South Vietnamese allies… Continue Reading
Breakfast with a convict May 3, 2006 Last year I wrote a column about an ancient local political scandal involving Jim Oberstar’s questionable funding sources for his 1974 campaign. I mentioned Don… Continue Reading
The Aborted Girl April 25, 2006 My Reader column for this week begins: “In 1990 I was ecstatic when the popular Republican, State Auditor, Arne Carlson replaced the opportunistic, “pro-life,”… Continue Reading