Gov. Scott Walker as Keith Dixon February 22, 2011 No bids huh? And this clown supposed to be a Republican! Continue Reading
Scotty Walker’s jobs program has put Wisconsin…. March 29, 2013 in 44th place for job development. Meanwhile the new Republican hero Walker is following exMinnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty’s lead by preparing for a run… Continue Reading
Scotty Walker eyes November 17, 2011 I’m going to speculate about Governor Walker who has impressed me with his Carrie Nation like zealotry. I noticed something odd about his eyes… Continue Reading
Where’s Walker on Kestrel? March 26, 2013 Wisconsin’s Governor Scott Walker wasn’t mentioned in this story yesterday on the failure of Wisconsin to make good on its financial pledges to the… Continue Reading
I got Waxed – Citizens United June 7, 2017 Its hard to believe that its only been a couple days since I got waxed last Saturday. I’ve been in non stop school board… Continue Reading
Lifehouse CHUMS and their alter egocentrics May 19, 2017 I gave up trying to fall back asleep at 3 and padded downstairs to read the third chapter of Dark Money. The first two… Continue Reading
Get the lead out September 15, 2016 After I was nearly finished scraping and painting the sides of my house this summer I began thinking that I should have at least… Continue Reading
Breaking ISD 709’s bank 25 cents at a time August 17, 2016 It turns out that Senator Everett Dirksen never said “A billion here, a billion there, pretty soon, you’re talking real money.” Evidently when he… Continue Reading
Swords/Plowshares 31 – Public Employee Unions are cracking the whip March 31, 2016 Disclaimer First the Unions in Duluth pushed the Red Plan for construction jobs at the eventual expense of a hundred teaching jobs. Now the… Continue Reading
Re: Snake Email – a riposte September 27, 2013 Snake in the Grass’s defender writes intelligently and I can fault few of the arguments laid out. But the flaw I think is this… Continue Reading
Virgil Swings and the ball disappears over the park… September 4, 2013 … and I’ve been looking for the ball outside the stadium in the parking lot. Virgil Swing is an old editor for the Duluth… Continue Reading
My Favorite Movie Pt 3 – ctd. (another unedited late night mental ramble) February 21, 2013 Its eleven PM the night after I began the above named post. I’ve watched two more great hours of the British series The Hour…. Continue Reading
The Strib and the DFTRA pension January 20, 2013 This morning I got a very brief peek at the news after waking up at 4AM to head to the Ft. Lauderdale airport and… Continue Reading
GOP class… May 11, 2012 …clowns. Mitt Romney leads a gang and scissors off the long bleached hair of a lonely lispy kid back in his high school days…. Continue Reading
A “perennial candidate” comments April 30, 2011 Our perennial newspaper printed my column submitted a couple weeks ago with not too many alterations: Mostly they edited out Gary Westorff’s name repeatedly… Continue Reading
Wisconsin, a state that wasn’t in such bad shape… February 19, 2011 …until Republican Scott Walker was elected Governor. I asked Vic to tell me if he knew whether Governor Walker campaigned on a platform of… Continue Reading
41 RIP December 1, 2018 I have never shaken the hand of a President of the United States. I did shake the hand of one Vice President. But the… Continue Reading
MAJ 4 – Ducks in a row March 25, 2015 Last week as I was rummaging through a file cabinet of family memorabilia I opened up a folder about my son. Inside were pictures… Continue Reading
Meanwhile the GOP firebrands… May 20, 2011 . . . are busy alienating the people who elected them last year. Continue Reading