Save the Earth – start with rubber mulch April 14, 2017 Duluth Parents for Healthy Playgrounds Playgrounds Fundraiser for Duluth Public Schools Join the PTA for a family-friendly event with food, fun, cash bar, silent… Continue Reading
Playground Safety and that rubber mulch August 18, 2015 I mentioned that playground mulch that some parents are wanting reviewed or removed with an Internet petition. I mentioned my chief gripe that shredded… Continue Reading
One of many emails concerning rubber tire mulch January 27, 2017 Jan 18 (9 days ago) to Art, anne.harala, david.kirby, rosalie, alanna.oswald, Nora, me Thank you for sharing these slides. I will read through them… Continue Reading
The DNT’s very reasonable editorial on mulch… May 11, 2017 …that I will not abide by. It begins: Now that estimates have come back at more than triple the originally talked-about cost, can the… Continue Reading
My Mulch Reply to Jennifer February 25, 2017 Jennifer, Such simple questions can lead to the longest more tortured answers. Here’s my tortured answer for you. By temperament I hate wasting money,… Continue Reading
More on Mulch to “M” January 11, 2017 Over the past few weeks I’ve received dozens of letters imploring me to proceed with the replacement of the tire mulch. One of those… Continue Reading
Mulch alternatives wait for no School Board September 15, 2016 Cory Kirsling, one of the Lester Park parents who successfully persuaded the School Board to come up with a new playground surface told me… Continue Reading
In defense of mulch replacement September 8, 2016 Yesterday a smart critique of our (my) School Board’s decision to replace rubber tire mulch was published in the DNT. Rather than link to… Continue Reading
Mulch on the Op Ed page today April 29, 2016 The Editors of the Trib weighed in on the issue of rubber tire playground mulch today with a special emphasis urging the Board to… Continue Reading
Mulch Conundrums October 22, 2015 The Trib has a good summary of our Mulch Meeting last night. This morning I read a short article in the NY Times that… Continue Reading
Mulling over mulch August 23, 2015 I haven’t searched the internet for any arguments pro or con on mulch. I will probably have to do this at some point. I… Continue Reading
Mulch Ado about something? August 21, 2015 School Board candidate Alanna Oswald sent me this take on the issue regarding the rubber “mulch” we have in our school playgrounds. i don’t… Continue Reading July 8, 2020 I am an agnostic. I began the day with a delightful discursive conversation with my French penpal S. Highlights included my mentioning that Bastille… Continue Reading
I am feeling a little peevish… August 2, 2019 … about the Teacher’s Union right now. Let me tell you why. Its not because after an extensive several hour grilling they didn’t endorse… Continue Reading
A pause to reflect while drinking uninspiring coffee from a drive in October 19, 2017 The last two days were gorgeous for passing out campaign lit door to door. I only got about an hour in total because I… Continue Reading
Between a Rockridge and a hard place May 31, 2017 That was my groaner at last night’s special meeting of the Duluth School Board. It was so inspired I used it twice and so… Continue Reading
More borrowing for 709? May 15, 2017 Or as the Trib’s banner headline read this morning. “School projects could lead to debt.” It is debatable whether the rubber tire mulch is… Continue Reading
I apologized to two gentlemen at yesterday’s school board meeting May 9, 2017 The issue of mulch consumed a third of our four-hour marathon Business Committee meeting yesterday. I had tried to prepare my “eight loyal readers”… Continue Reading
I won’t wait for three years! – Part 2 May 5, 2017 Remember the name Cory Kirsling. Cory has bird dogged the mulch issue for a year and with an adroitness and tenacity that makes slow-but-steady… Continue Reading
an email re: the last school board meeting April 20, 2017 To All School Board Members, At the regular school board meeting of April 18th there was a very large audience of Denfeld parents, students,… Continue Reading