“The operative word seems to be…


That is how I replied to this email today:

The former employee of the district was courageous to write a letter that probably many felt but couldn’t say out loud.

The “former” employee’s letter-to-the-editor began:

According to the News Tribune, our current school superintendent is under investigation and on paid leave because he doesn’t have a Minnesota license; he had an Illinois license. Apparently, to get a Minnesota superintendent’s license you apply, pay a fee and send transcripts to show you’ve completed necessary coursework. Clearly it’s not the biggest deal for anyone who has taken the classes and has the skills to do the job. Luckily, this scandal can be resolved.

Meanwhile the secretive persecutor of Dr. Foster is giddily having the expensive PR person for the District churn out more happy talk only with the Board Chair’s name getting credit rather than Dr. Dixon.

One line of the piece I couldn’t help but take as a dig at me, Judy’s top persecutor: “Sometimes the adults act like teenagers and teenagers act like adults.”

Oh yes, I’ll admit to my guilt. Will Judy admit to voting for a new Superintendent only to secretly stab him in the back five months later thereby plunging the District once again into the headlines and chaos?

We teenage wannabes are something aren’t we?

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