Well Hello there!

Hello to all you new readers. I’ve been checking my blog’s statistics and more of you are stopping by. I’ve been hoping to reach a 1,000 “pageviews” a day and I came close yesterday. There were 937. As I understand it the stat is the number of pages on the blog that someone has looked at. I’ve probably got 70 or so pages by now but I suspect most folks are just checking out the main page. Of course, for all I know its just ten people returning every twenty minutes to check on updates but surely people have better things to do with their time.

The statistics for my original website are holding steady too. Snowbizz had over 1,200 pageviews yesterday. Not a record but so far I’m averaging over 1,000 a day for the month.

Its just a beautiful day outside. I’ll keep my windows open but that’s as close as I’ll get to enjoying the weather. I’ve got a ton of stuff to read through for the Boyd story. Pretty soon I’ll have to start organizing all the papers related to it that are scattered throughout my office.

I don’t know how many posts I’ll have today. Nothing has caught my attention in the news but that could change. Even if the news doesn’t offer anything of interest I suspect I’ll find some other interesting “tidbit” to add to the Boyd Scandal. Stay tuned.

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