All to the tune of a hickory stick

I got my invite to the Teacher’s Union screening a week ago. I’ve never been endorsed by the teacher’s union. I won’t be this time either so there is very little reason not to post the link a critic of the public teacher’s unions sent me about a successful program killed by the teachers in Washington DC.

In this case teacher’s unions trumped Black Americans who have rallied to the program’s defense.

In reply I sent him a link to the story this afternoon on National Public Radio to demonstrate that his implication that Obama’s Education Secretary kowtowed to the teacher’s union was in error.

BTW The Union’s leadership that will endorse Roger Reinert will do so to save face despite the unforgivable way they have sacrificed so many Duluth teachers for Dr. Dixon’s brick and mortar. Normally I’d tell the teacher’s union I would be honored to have their endorsement. This year – not so much.

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