8 Reasons you want to buy Harry’s book

1. You don’t want to buy it! You want to contribute to Harry’s campaign.

2. You wanted to buy his book about the Red Plan but he didn’t write it. This will be the next best thing.

3. You like eccentric snow sculptors and would like to encourage them.

4. You like non traditional politicians and want to encourage them.

5. You like thoughtful, sober, passionate people on the Duluth School Board who have a good grip on reality.

6. Your’e curious as the dickens about what Harry is going to write.

7. You want a conversation piece on your coffee table at your next party.

8. You are in a book club and don’t know any better.

9. Got other motivations. Send Harry an alternative explanation at harrywelty@charter.net

NOTE: The book cover above was designed for Harry’s never completed Red Plan Book. A title has yet to be chosen for this book.

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