Militant Moderate here Resisting the Bloody Obvious but not in Denial

I circulated this pessimistic Op Ed by the NY Time’s Tom Friedman on Facebook. ‘Trump’s Going to Get Re-elected, Isn’t He?

Tom is a Minnesota boy who has jumped from covering Israel and Middle East stories to big picture world economic stories. I read his optimistic book From Beirut to Jerusalem a long time ago. His optimism was premature. Now his pessimism is on full display as he listed all the off putting posturing by the 20 plus Democratic candidates…..posturing to keep the younger crowd from doing to America what it did when they stayed home in 2016 instead of electing a sane, if tedious, Hillary Clinton.

One of them quickly reacted to this post by noting that America could afford all the health care spending for both veterans and illegal aliens. She went on to say she would be voting for the pretty woman crystal gazer who made the stage in the Democratic debate. “Crystal gazer” is my description.

When I was a pretty sophisticated thirty year old I was sure that America would never elect a Hollywood Actor who starred with a Chimpanzee. I’ve been chastened ever since Ronald Reagan’s election.

Anyone who watches Late Night comic take downs of Donald Trump can’t believe America would let him skate into another four years. Reason simply would not permit this. Well folks, for some people Reason, as I understand it, is very fluid. And their lack of it in no way impedes their right to vote.

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