Paul Goossens really let me have it tonight at the School Board meeting. He’s offended by my brand of irreverence. From now on I’ll stick to nice names and phrases. How does this sound? Our school board is just a bunch of bunnies! Oops, that’s no good. People might wonder what kind. How about a paraphrase? “First God created Indianans. That was for practice. Then he created school boards.” Try copying that phrase and googling it to see what loathsome name-caller said that. Oh, you’ll want to leave the word “Indianians” out of it when you google or your computer will blow up.
Paul was particularly exercised by this Simpson cartoon which he seemed to think would incite Duluth to storm Old Central. Hey! That’s not such a bad idea.
Note: As an experiment I will attempt to use PG (Paul Goossens) approved adjectives in future blog posts concerning our School Board.