Letter to the Editorial Page Editor – Part 4A

Part 4A

Let me tell you one of my own stories about how the District goes about getting its way. The Red Plan handed it $84 million in mad money that it has never accounted for. Art spent my first year on the Board telling me this. One of the few gratifications of the State Auditor’s report was its confirmation of this assertion. This invisible money went for “soft costs” spent on professionals providing services other than construction and materials. It was between a quarter and a third of the overall cost of the Red Plan. I suspect I know where a little of this money was directed. I’ve been suspicious about it since you left a message on my answering machine informing that the next day’s paper would outline the story of my alleged threats against Mxx Xxxxxxx’s children. Surely you weren’t surprised that I would leave you a profanity laced return message telling you to go ahead and publish that damned unfounded slur. It even gave you a chance to entertain your staff by playing the recording back to them demonstrating what a jerk I was. But after I sent you the long string of emails between Xxxxxx and me you called back with a big “never mind.” By the way, I’m not and never have been grateful to you for that. You simply did your fact checking and Xxxxx’s story evaporated. Thank God I didn’t delete [his/her] emails.

The kicker is this. Mxx Xxxxxxx showed up at the School Board hearing room wearing a “blue tooth” that was probably a surveillance device. [He/She] sat across the Board room from me and I was almost unaware of [him/her]. We were both at the noon meeting where another District lawyer, Sue Torgerson, was laying out a pretext for the School Board to remove Gary Glass. I was deeply offended by this sorry spectacle. Ironically, this was Jana’s first school board meeting as Ms. Horner couldn’t make it. I cackled and hissed at the proceedings muttering loudly and caustically at Ms. Torgerson’s legal histrionics. I wasn’t loud enough to interrupt the proceedings but I wanted the school board members to witness my contempt.

In [his/her] emails to me afterward (which I regret I can no longer find) Mxx Xxxxxxx claimed to have heard every thing I’d said. I told [him/her] I couldn’t recall having seen [him/her] at the meeting and [he/she] seemed incensed that I hadn’t noticed [him/her]. We exchanged several testy emails before[he/she] told me [his/her] children had been threatened. That changed everything and I immediately told [him/her] that if this had happened [he/she] should go to the police.

continued >

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