0:15-cv-01173-MJD-SER Johnston v. Duluth Public Schools et al May 4, 2015 That is the title of the Court Case Art Johnston has brought against the Duluth School Board to prevent them from voiding the 2013… Continue Reading
Other school boards are watching Duluth… May 4, 2015 … and sending me inquiries I can’t hope to answer. Here’s a recent one: My name is Michael Line I am on the school… Continue Reading
I’m cooling my heels in the blogging dept… May 4, 2015 …until the next court session which will be on Wednesday of this week in Duluth. The public will be able to attend it. I’ll… Continue Reading
To audit or not to audit, that is the question. May 1, 2015 I hate to disappoint Loren Martell. I thought like me he would be paying close attention to the bombs I saw dropped during the… Continue Reading