public data April 3, 2010 Damn, First I looked for a recent DNT editorial I wanted to pan but it seems to have been pulled from the web prematurely…. Continue Reading
Simply Criminal April 3, 2010 I am posting this letter to the DNT from a parent on the crimes committed by this school board against children in full: The… Continue Reading
JCI’s head up another school district’s Asperations April 3, 2010 JCI has made more of a mess of the St. Louis County School District’s plans for a new northern school. Here’s just just one… Continue Reading
The Trib reacts April 3, 2010 I just love it when a newspaper Editorial Board agrees with someone it has just dismissed as a whiner. No matter how anyone feels… Continue Reading
Riling up a school board member’s spouse April 3, 2010 I found this message in my email a few days back. It may help explain why the School Board members over the past few… Continue Reading
Real Estate Woes April 3, 2010 Pardon my limited posts but I’ve been a bit preoccupied. After two years on the market our modest house in St. Paul’s Frogtown neighborhood… Continue Reading