Bush and Teddy Roosevelt cut from the same cloth? July 18, 2006 Yes, says Karl Rove. Eric Pfeiffer begs to differ. Continue Reading
Conservative Civil War July 18, 2006 Andrew Sullivan tips his hat to fellow Conservative George Will for calmly calling Bill Kristol unhinged for urging America to attack Iran. For anyone… Continue Reading
Fox news vs Faux Christian July 18, 2006 This video from Fox News demonstrates that an pretty face isn’t necessarily the best qualification for interviewing an oddball with stong convictions. The Oddball… Continue Reading
Oberstar the Goliath of the 8th District July 18, 2006 I just read the MPR analysis of the titanic James Oberstar and his battles with mighty Republican oponents. I had to laugh. “He had… Continue Reading
186 grand for Grams from Insurance July 18, 2006 My son took a call for me yesterday from a Grand Rapids pharmacist. I called him back this morning and he told me a… Continue Reading
Press Releases July 18, 2006 On July 5th, when I began my petitioning I sent an email press release to all the newspapers, radio and TV stations in the… Continue Reading
Kennedy poll numbers July 18, 2006 The Minnesota Poll which is routinely panned by the State GOP shows Republican Congressman Mark Kennedy trailing his DFL opponent, Amy Klobuchar, by a… Continue Reading
Letter to Mary Kiffmeyer July 17, 2006 I was not happy to discover some uncertainty in the Secretary of State’s Office about exactly what it would take for a signature to… Continue Reading
The Grams campaign makes an appearance. July 17, 2006 When I got back from my second trip to Secretary of State Kiffmeyer to turn in even more petitions I was surprised to find… Continue Reading
1171 signatures????? I hope! July 16, 2006 I’ve been counting and recounting my petition signatures. Because the Secretary of State may be treating this like a first grade teacher grades a… Continue Reading
Rod Grams the farmer July 16, 2006 Chris has been looking through the internet and sent me some new information which has been useful. Today he just located this blog with… Continue Reading
I’ve got a Campaign Chairman July 16, 2006 Chris Correia is my new campaign manager. I’ve known Chris and his family for a long time and when he sent me an email… Continue Reading
Moderate Republicans – “a vanishing political phenomenon” July 16, 2006 Vic responded to my last post on the impeachment and sent me a 2003 article from from the New Yorker on the late Democratic… Continue Reading
Bill’s Bills of Impeachment July 16, 2006 Vic challenges my latest posting? “I don’t remember that any of the articles of impeachment were for Clinton cheating on his wife. However, perhaps… Continue Reading
A little Grams hogwash July 15, 2006 I was sent this nonsense article in which Rod Grams offers himself as an antidote to the partisan miasma in Congress. The biggest hoot… Continue Reading
130 more signatures minus 12 July 15, 2006 I headed out early to collect more signatures before it heated up too much. By the time I opened my second bottle of cold water… Continue Reading
I’ve been linked July 15, 2006 I woke up just before first light in anticipation of beating the worst of the day’s heat. I’ll try to begin petititoning around 8AM…. Continue Reading
What the State Statute requires of petition signers July 14, 2006 I can find no requirement in state statute for signers to write the year of their birth on a candidate filing petitions: 204B.07 Nominating petitions.   … Continue Reading
dung upon my face July 14, 2006 I headed to St. Paul with 140 extra names to give me a safe cushion. Just before I slipped onto the highway I was… Continue Reading
Tiny Bush Bubbles July 14, 2006 Its kind of like watching goldfish in a fishbowl only more surreal. Continue Reading