The three caballeros July 25, 2006    I’ve known for a couple weeks that I would have to say some nice things about myself and my potential candidacy on my campaign website…. Continue Reading
Ad ing it up till 1:30 July 25, 2006 Since there was no one to be bothered at home I stayed up till 1:30 AM. I puttered around with an idea for an… Continue Reading
Sleepwalker July 24, 2006 Evote’s evaluation of Jim Oberstar two years ago. Rep. James Oberstar could get re-elected in his sleep. I plan on putting it to the… Continue Reading
Jib Jab Hoot July 24, 2006 A pointed dig at “Big Box Mart” from jib jab that I’ve not seen before. Continue Reading
More on Highway 53 July 24, 2006 From today’s Strib (Minneapolis Star Tribune) Some Highlights “the Minnesota Department of Transportation says it can’t use most of that windfall until 2012, because… Continue Reading
Micah July 24, 2006 Six years ago I ran another guerilla campaign against another entrenched politician, Doug Johnson. When I saw a story about a creative young fellow… Continue Reading
When Oberstar’s Power just doesn’t cut it July 24, 2006 About the time that Jim Oberstar said that the quarter billion dollars designated for the Bridge to Nowhere” was Alaska’s he was getting $50… Continue Reading
Behind a GOP blog July 24, 2006 I’ve met Michael Brodkorb on a couple of occasions as he’s knocked about the GOP. I can hardly wait till he exposes me. Continue Reading
Gun Owners of America July 24, 2006 Even though I haven’t filed my campaign papers for the FEC the lobbying community has me in their sights. There was a fat letter… Continue Reading
Cooling waters July 23, 2006 I’ve returned from the hottest weather I’ve ever experienced. Claudia and I drove up to Sonoma with our kids for the day to taste… Continue Reading
If the GOP is in the dumps how bout the Dems. July 22, 2006 One Democrat’s insights. Continue Reading
Oberstar supports Bush July 22, 2006 As promised, Bush vetoes stem cell bill Having visited my Alzheimers riddled Mother last week, a woman who suffers from one of the dread… Continue Reading
San Fran Man II July 22, 2006 Yesterday we got out of the car at our hotel in Novato and the temperature was a scorching 107 degrees. The last time and… Continue Reading
San Fran Man July 20, 2006 I had a very productive flight out to San Francisco today; wife, son and daughter all in tow. I brought 4 Duluth Tribs to… Continue Reading
Blog Spam July 19, 2006 I’ve spent the day preparing for a family reunion in California. Because I want to hit the pavement running when I get back on… Continue Reading
The “none of the above” candidate July 19, 2006 I’m in ecstasy. There are only three candidates for 8th District Congress. That’s what I’ve been hoping for. Now all disaffected voters will be… Continue Reading
Holy Cow July 19, 2006 My blog hits blew through the roof yesterday! Yeah, the filing for office was closed but crimeny, I didn’t do anything special. Continue Reading
Rod Grams fundraising letter July 18, 2006 See the fundraising letter that Rod Grams sent my wife, Claudia, today. I’ve tried to punch it up a little. Continue Reading