Two envelopes June 7, 2006 After my swim I found two letters from people I’ve been writing about. One was from Minnesota’s Center for Victims of of Torture. That… Continue Reading
The Lying Machine June 7, 2006 I just caught the last half of a speech NYTime’s reporter David Halberstram gave at the Kennedy Center a few months ago. It was… Continue Reading
Why gays will eventually be allowed to marry June 7, 2006 If the anti-gay marriage folks can’t do any better staking out their position than Bill Bennett does in this discussion with Jon Stewart they… Continue Reading
Hatch in the lead? June 7, 2006 There was one story that bears analysis. The DNT carried a story from St. Paul suggesting that Mike Hatch was the frontrunner for the… Continue Reading
Well Hello there! June 7, 2006 Hello to all you new readers. I’ve been checking my blog’s statistics and more of you are stopping by. I’ve been hoping to reach a 1,000 “pageviews”… Continue Reading
I could almost see becoming a historian June 6, 2006 Other than my mile swim I devoted my entire day to reading though old books and newspaper clippings. Seeing them all together through the… Continue Reading
The body count doubles from last year June 6, 2006 From the New York Times: “In May, the Baghdad morgue recorded the highest number of bodies received since the beginning of the war: 1,375,… Continue Reading
One branch of Government is more equal than the others June 6, 2006 to paraphrase Orwell. And to understand just how the President understands his presidential prerogatives read this excerpt of this article: “The President could of course veto… Continue Reading
German recreation and sex slavery June 6, 2006 Its funny how despite its vigorous sex industry German wives have so few babies. Continue Reading
International Baccalaureate is the new Trilateral Commision of Education June 6, 2006  I once refered to the fundamentalist Republican Gubenatorial candidate’s wife Julie Quist in a column. She now has a new mission – to kill a… Continue Reading
Here, here, here, here, here and here June 6, 2006 Iraq has a number of English literate bloggers who describe what they are experiencing daily during our War on Terror. Now its the fear… Continue Reading
Pre Boyd tidbit June 6, 2006 I told Don yesterday that before I get down to writing seriously I want to be able to look down on the forest like… Continue Reading
How the FMA ranks the list of America’s worries June 6, 2006 Look at this Gallup poll to find out how high the Federal Marriage Amendment ranks with American’s on their list of national priorities. That’s right. Its… Continue Reading
Mega Mentos and Diet Coke Experiment Hoot June 6, 2006 Mentos inserted in Diet Coke bottles makes the beverage explode. Kaboom with style Continue Reading
My latest Reader Column June 5, 2006 Just turned it in. Its about Unity08 “Can a purple America rise up out of the ashes of the Red and Blue States? That’s… Continue Reading
Geneva Codes need not apply June 5, 2006 America simply has to torture to stay ahead of the terrorists. We are a beacon for a sorry world. Continue Reading
What term limits hath wrought in California June 5, 2006 On NPR this morning: “California was one of the first states to institute term limits. Now it’s on the leading edge of a new… Continue Reading
How convenient to have a war June 5, 2006 One of the first things that troubled me about the Bush administration happened well before 9/11. An executive order was issued to label public… Continue Reading
The scummy side of the street June 4, 2006 Thank goodness the City repaired my street last year. Now that the City seems poised to continue paying health care benefits to its retirees… Continue Reading