The most compelling reason to vote for McCain September 18, 2008 The reason? Its divided government and this persuasive argument for it and a McCain Presidency comes from George Will. I agree with George but… Continue Reading
Is Palin a Poser? September 16, 2008 As a thirty-year Republican pushed to the margins by a Party which has made abortion its first test of loyalty I’m struck by this… Continue Reading
And I voted for McGovern January 4, 2007 From November Surprise George McGovern, the liberal 1972 Democratic presidential nominee, dropped a little bombshell to Larry King the other night: He voted… Continue Reading
On the Passing of Gerald Ford January 2, 2007 Gerry Ford is one of the four Presidents I’ve seen albeit before he became President. He spoke to the summer interns in 1971 when I… Continue Reading
Bush vs Bush December 7, 2006 Years ago when the current President was still out of control his father had him talk to Billy Grahm to help straighten him out. As President… Continue Reading
Dobson’s oversight November 2, 2006 I found this link to fundementalist cheerleader Dr. James Dobson. This page has a link to Minnesota on a map but the link only mentions two… Continue Reading