The GOP on drugs December 1, 2006 Here’s a short AP story about the growth of the American prison population. 49% of its growth over the last ten years is the result of our anti-drug laws…. Continue Reading
Drug Tsar – Milton Friedman November 29, 2006 I used to read Milton Friedman’s columns in Newsweek religiously. He was a pretty strict believer in the invisable hand and argued against our trillion dollar… Continue Reading
I prefer Hilary Clinton’s summary of the first George’s torture policies September 29, 2006 A pedantic but important speech on American traditions based on a Pulitizer Prize winning history of the Revolution. Continue Reading
Torture discussion September 29, 2006 Vic and I have been trading emails arguing about whether torture can ever be excused. Vic took the trouble of looking up an old article by… Continue Reading
When did the beheadings begin? August 16, 2006 I’ve just been listening to an interesting interview on MPR’s Midday Program with Dr. Steve Miles. He’s recently written a book about how doctors… Continue Reading
Firing a Minnesota prison chaplain August 2, 2006 This news today which the Governor’s office is denying they had anything to do with. A Minnesota prison chaplain was canned just after she… Continue Reading
A drug debate July 4, 2006 Vic and another reader took issue with my reply to Vic: The other correspondent suggested that I look to Alaska as an example of… Continue Reading
Vic’s Challenge July 4, 2006 My email buddy Vic who has sent me interesting items for years recently read my gushing praise for the “This I believe” segment sticking… Continue Reading
Another sign that the Duluth School District is on the right path July 3, 2006 I recently heard a story which confirmed a long held belief. People who are being watched are more likely to behave. This has also… Continue Reading
tattle tales vs. whistle blowers June 17, 2006 One more story about the shabby way whistle blowers are treated. In this case the fellow who exposed his company for taking 45 tons… Continue Reading
Old News May 11, 2006 I’m writing a book online. Its not the book I had planned to write. Two others were already in the waiting. One was an… Continue Reading
Life vs. Capitol Punishment May 9, 2006 As a little kid I concluded that a life sentence was far worse than capitol punishment. What was the point of living, I asked… Continue Reading
Somebody send me a hoot – Please May 8, 2006 Here’s another depressing story. America land of the jailed. Thank you Andrew Sullivan and Kings College. Someone send me a hoot before I kill… Continue Reading
What’s the murder with kids these days? April 21, 2006 The foiled plot to exceed the carnage Columbine put writer Walter Kirn in a reflective frame of mind. He’s been filling in for Andrew Sulivan… Continue Reading