Bush loyalists waver November 1, 2006 This from Richard Perle a member of the Bush Administration’s Brain Trust. “I think we have an administration today that is dysfunctional,” Perle said…. Continue Reading
An election to remember 4 all the wrong reasons? November 1, 2006 George Will, in an admirably easy to follow column, forecasts another Katrina-like milestone for the Republicans. Not of electoral defeat but of a new disaster resulting from their $3.6… Continue Reading
Posturing vs. impotence November 1, 2006 The US was determined to find one of its number who was recently captured by the bad guys in Iraq. Not any more. Andrew… Continue Reading
Kerried away November 1, 2006 John Kerry, who had a lot of youthful soulfulness, has become bloated and self-important in maturity. One Democrat commented that his comments today suggesting… Continue Reading
Bush Leagues October 30, 2006 I was reading Juan Cole’s blog and he had this to say about Bush’s war: “The sad irony of the last five years is… Continue Reading
a good summation of how the GOP burst its own bubble October 27, 2006 From CNN’s Jeff Greenfield. Continue Reading
100 hours on the xmas card list October 25, 2006 One of the more startling comparisons between the Republican Congress overseeing Bill Clinton and George W Bush is this. It had 100 hours of… Continue Reading
Baghdad’s Power October 19, 2006 For a long time the Administration kept dismissing the news that electrical power generation wasn’t improving in Iraq. Check out the graph on Think… Continue Reading
Iraqi Deaths October 19, 2006 While President Bush dismisses the survey which suggested that as many as 600,000 Iraqis have died since the invasion one credible source who thinks… Continue Reading
Karl Rove’s Failure October 16, 2006 Karl Rove had a dream of keeping Republicans in power for a generation. This Chart from the New York Times shows how miserably he’s… Continue Reading
Andrew Sullivan’s critique of Republican loosed greed October 16, 2006 From Sullivan’s website about his new book. “Alongside a 38 percent increase in government spending in five years came the inevitable corruption. When vast… Continue Reading
Using Christians – Using Christ October 13, 2006 Surprise Surprise. Another book by a Bush insider. Karl Rove’s people called top Religious conservatives “the nuts.” Maybe he was right. After all, they… Continue Reading
The trend lines dive October 13, 2006 From the Wall Street Journal. Although not as low as his May poll numbers when only 29% of voters strongly approved of the President… Continue Reading
Decline and Fall of the GOP October 12, 2006 David Brooks writes about the Ohio Senate Race and profiles the Democratic candidate and the Republican incumbent he is close to upsetting. This is the triumph… Continue Reading
The Military is planning on four more years in Iraq October 11, 2006 According to Forbes Online: “The U.S. Army has plans to keep the current level of soldiers in Iraq through 2010, the top Army officer… Continue Reading
Permanant US bases in Iraq – the view from 2004 October 10, 2006 Vic, sent me an email telling me that he was trying to send the Kristoff column to Thomas Sowell. Then he did me one… Continue Reading
Fueling the Iraqi opposition October 10, 2006 Vic sent me a column by Thomas Sowell which was intended to dismiss the importance of what he considered trivialities like Congressman Foley’s sexcapades. Iraq… Continue Reading