Viguerie’s Vengeance November 13, 2006 Richard Viguerie is the man who developed the voter identification services that helped make the Republican Party the majority party and helped bring about… Continue Reading
Flags of our Fathers. November 4, 2006 My campaigning is almost at an end. I could have put up lawnsigns today but I’m content to let my handful of remaining ads… Continue Reading
I prefer Hilary Clinton’s summary of the first George’s torture policies September 29, 2006 A pedantic but important speech on American traditions based on a Pulitizer Prize winning history of the Revolution. Continue Reading
Who said this? September 26, 2006 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword†(Mt…. Continue Reading
Is the new left like the old new right? September 22, 2006 I’m still catching up with all the newspapers I missed while overseas. One very interesting New York Times article that I’ve just read by… Continue Reading
The GOP and making good money September 3, 2006 An article today caught my eye and on a topic I’ve been licking my lips to expound on. The GOP and its new ethos… Continue Reading
The woman who elected George Bush – is nuts! And running for the Senate – as a Republican! September 3, 2006 What a story! Continue Reading
TR a disaster? September 3, 2006 This lively and severe critique of Teddy Roosevelt by one of the CATO institutes conservatives is very interesting. I always had reservations about Roosevelt’s… Continue Reading
Cuba libre August 1, 2006 Castro may be dead or dying and the Cubans of Miami have been out banging pots and pans to celebrate. Castro represents a long standing bone headedness in America’s… Continue Reading
Gerald Heaney Retires July 4, 2006 Gerald Heaney was interviewed by MPR’s Stephanie Hemphill for Voices of Minnesota. Heaney has an laudatory past but he’s also a key figure in the story… Continue Reading
Blog Metamorphosis July 2, 2006 As of today loyal readers, whoever you are, this blog has undergone a change from caterpillar to butterfly or, depending on your point-of-view, vice… Continue Reading
Master of the Senate June 21, 2006 One thing I like about air travel is that it gives me a good excuse to read. Today, on the way home from DC,… Continue Reading
Nixon’s purging of Texas Democrats June 18, 2006 This Ben Barnes interview is very interesting. It ties in to my own writing about Don Boyd and the politics of 1972. More later Continue Reading
How badly did HHH want to be President? June 9, 2006 As I write this book its been important to put the times in context. Governor Rudy Perpich was a generation past Humphrey and not… Continue Reading
The Lying Machine June 7, 2006 I just caught the last half of a speech NYTime’s reporter David Halberstram gave at the Kennedy Center a few months ago. It was… Continue Reading
I could almost see becoming a historian June 6, 2006 Other than my mile swim I devoted my entire day to reading though old books and newspaper clippings. Seeing them all together through the… Continue Reading
But their President still denies the Holocaust May 24, 2006 Iran will not be forcing religious minorities to wear special clothing. Continue Reading
A new Anne Frank in hiding? May 22, 2006 We could have saved Anne Frank from Holland too if only she’d been allowed to come to America. The Dutch must be smoking too much pot these days to… Continue Reading
What’s Sauce for the Goose April 30, 2006 Regarding my post on Rush Limbaugh a friend emailed me this comment: Harry…part of your presentation…causes me to think of a possible parallel presentation that… Continue Reading