Chopsticks December 11, 2017 Yesterday I completed my 67th orbit of the Sun. We took our grandsons to hunt down a suitable Christmas tree outside of town along… Continue Reading
Pickle relish and ketchup on my Deep State, Please? July 12, 2017 Mother nature woke me at 4AM. The “Deep State” prevented me from going back into a deep sleep. Before I launch into my thoughts… Continue Reading
American Conservativism – From innovators to imitators to idiots. July 8, 2017 I highly recommend a thoughtful NYT column about the Republican Party’s devolution from William F. Buckley, a man I worked very hard to understand… Continue Reading
I just can’t help myself May 31, 2017 This was intended as a “confidential” email but I am quite content to let the general public see it: To me from Chuck Frederick,… Continue Reading
Condescension in politics May 28, 2017 I’ve mentioned to others that Hillary Clinton’s “deporables” comment was a catastrophic mistake. The great irony of the Trump election is that blue collar… Continue Reading
Lifehouse CHUMS and their alter egocentrics May 19, 2017 I gave up trying to fall back asleep at 3 and padded downstairs to read the third chapter of Dark Money. The first two… Continue Reading
Ignorance is Bliss April 12, 2017 From Chapter 14 of Destiny of the Republic: A tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President: “Not only did many American… Continue Reading
Dish washing brings second thoughts on the funny thing March 23, 2017 There is one other possibility regarding Trump’s ultimatum to House Republicans that I ruled out a little too quickly. I thought that the Tea… Continue Reading
DFL Monsters? February 16, 2017 Loren has a beef with “the DFL-endorsed Board majority.” Whew! Where to begin? I have had some beefs with the majority of the Board,… Continue Reading
Manchurian Candidate November 2, 2016 My daughter Facebooked me to tell me that she (young as she is) knows what the Manchurian Candidate is. For those who haven’t heard… Continue Reading
Trumped May 23, 2016 The email that preceded the email in the last post and my reply to it: My Reply: [Buddy], My impression certainly could have been… Continue Reading
Crapweasels December 1, 2015 More Un-Vetted Refugees Coming to Minnesota? After ISIS terrorists killed 130 people and injured 352 more in Paris in coordinated attacks just this month,… Continue Reading
Give Peace a Chance August 11, 2015 I am a cat. If there is a closed door I keep hanging around it waiting for someone to open it. There are so… Continue Reading
Fan mail from some Flounder August 14, 2013 This was just the front of the envelope. I haven’t opened it yet but I suspect there will be no return address. Well, anonymous… Continue Reading
Because God will soon destroy the world… July 1, 2013 …we will keep voting for Republicans who will do nothing to stop him. That’s my shorthand take of the unsurprising poll of Americans by… Continue Reading
GOP and the end times May 3, 2013 Its not just that today’s GOP is willing to make America worse off in order to hurt President Obama’s reputation. Its that they are… Continue Reading
How the GOP’s private enterprise health care costs stack up against the world’s socialist models. March 29, 2013 There are 20 more graphs here that compare other medical costs. They are all just as bad or worse. Continue Reading
North Dakota’s blankety blank Republicans March 26, 2013 North Dakota’s GOP has taken the lead on fighting abortion having made it illegal from six weeks after conception. That’s one part of their… Continue Reading
Indiana School Vouchers March 26, 2013 I don’t know if this USA Today story on voucher payments in Indiana has all the details in the story I first read but… Continue Reading
Local Control March 12, 2013 Every third person in Mississippi is obese. Drinking super-sized sodas with 51 sugar cubes worth of sweetness in them is one reason why. But… Continue Reading