Brickbats for Halloween October 31, 2013 There were two predictable letters complaining that I was an eastern elitist for using the word gangrene to describe the Red Plan’s dire results… Continue Reading
Vote yes twice… October 21, 2013 …says the Duluth News Tribune. I agree with them but I gnash my teeth every time they say that Red Plan was necessary. Continue Reading
Nevermind those impressive blog stats from yesterday October 13, 2013 I just checked to see how many visitors my blog had yesterday. You might recall I said that by 10AM it was an impressive… Continue Reading
Our Ten Percent Reserve September 7, 2013 One item jumps out at me from Art Johnston’s op ed piece: We have gone from a $24 million fund balance in 2007 to… Continue Reading
The Problems Nancy Nilsen, the financial expert, brushes off September 7, 2013 School Board incumbent and Red Plan critic Art Johnston makes his case for reelection. He outlines some of the sky that is falling problems… Continue Reading
I…dig into problems September 7, 2013 In her 600 word opinion piece former School Board member and rabid Red Plan advocate, Nancy Nilsen, makes no mention of her half billion… Continue Reading
Not finishing books July 12, 2013 I recently discovered the good reads site before Amazon bought it. It will be a regular place of perusal for me. I happened to… Continue Reading
2 cents – nevermind March 11, 2013 2 cents is fini. I decided that all the things I wanted to write would take too much time and deliver too little. Continue Reading
Packing it March 8, 2013 In the car a couple days ago my five (correction, “five and a half”) year old grandson told me he had a “six pack.”… Continue Reading
My Favorite Movie Pt 3 (another unedited late night mental ramble) February 20, 2013 Its midnight and I’m too bushed to fill another post up with my unedited ruminations. If I get to it tomorrow it should tie… Continue Reading
Apparently the movie Zero Dark thirty… February 1, 2013 …didn’t get Pakistan right. They don’t, for instance, speak Arabic: A Pakistani blogger offers up a similar appraisal of life in these here United… Continue Reading
give that man a hand January 8, 2013 Im still working on new tricks.un zzz uccessfully. Typing In moving car. Ttoo bumpy. Ill try microphone. Here goes. I had a picture of… Continue Reading
Just popped open a bottle of champagne November 6, 2012 Cameron Hughes Lot 25 – Officially a Napa sparkling wine. Continue Reading
Its worth remembering that as he entered the Oval Office Obama was reading…. September 6, 2012 …Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Lincoln Biography, Team of Rivals. I’m grateful to have a President trying to emulate my favorite hero. Congratulations on your endorsing… Continue Reading
The Answer: Made my day August 30, 2012 The Question: What did Clint Eastwood do today. He did Mitt no favors. Continue Reading
The last post is mistaken… August 13, 2012 …in saying the DNT did not carry the story about the Minnesota Supreme Court ruling against the St. Louis County Schools. I was in… Continue Reading
The dark arts of Johnson Controls July 4, 2012 I’ll write about these revelations from the Timberjay tomorrow or later tonight. p. 10: Zelda Bruns: ” We’re worse off now than we were… Continue Reading
Why Obamacare won June 29, 2012 “Let’s talk about [US Supreme Court Chief Justice John] Roberts. I’m going to tell you something that you’re not going to hear anywhere else,… Continue Reading
A newspaper in JCI’s pocket… April 11, 2012 …get’s pulled out with the lint. Apparently after cheering on JCI and the closing of the Orr School the Cook News-Herald is finding ad… Continue Reading