News Corpse

I’m listening to an NPR story on poor old Rupert Murdoch’s having to cancel his ownership of Great Britain. He’s been following the same pattern in all the English speaking nations of the world. The commentator is mentioning how important one of his American properties was for promoting the Tea Party which is currently engaged in making America default on its obligations.

The News Corps has just pulled the plug on Great Britain’s biggest newspaper which had managed to scare the bejesus out of every Parliamentarian. The formerly cowering pols are now relishing the chance to root for the paper’s demise after the revelation that Murdoch’s minions hacked a murdered girl’s phone calls and maybe bribed cops.

American politicians also live in fear of Murdoch’s media empire particularly Fox “News.” I can only hope that if America’s economy is flushed down the Murdoch aided, debt crises toilet that his Empire loses lots of money along with the rest of us.

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