My letter

This is the letter I sent in to the Trib. They made no changes that I can detect:

Reader’s view: Reinert didn’t listen to voters’ views on Red Plan

So the News Tribune endorsed Roger Reinert (Our View/DNT Endorsement: “Reinert DFL’s best bet to retain Senate seat,” July 29)?

The editorial board praised Reinert for predicting that Local Governmental Aid will soon vanish. Board members didn’t mention that I told them much the same thing.

They reported that my desire to have the state pay for the Red Plan “doesn’t appear to be legal.” Apparently they did not know that state legislators change laws.

The editors gushed that, “For two years, (Reinert has) been trying to engage Minnesotans – via Facebook, e-mailed updates, letters to the editor and other avenues – to partner with him and the Legislature to find solutions. The teacher in him has worked tirelessly to educate constituents about tough decisions that must be made.”

For three years the teacher in me – I used to substitute teach for Sam Solon – has circulated petitions, created a website and blog, e-mailed like crazy, organized a grassroots organization and kept the public informed about an issue of surpassing importance. The issue is the Red Plan. The News Tribune dismissed it as “hardly a statewide issue.”

Just because the News Tribune finds the Red Plan tiresome doesn’t mean our stolen referendum isn’t of statewide significance. If every Minnesota school district followed Duluth’s example it would cost $43 billion, dwarfing the state’s $6 billion budget crisis. That’s probably why governor hopeful Mark Dayton said voters should vote on school building proposals. I read that in the News Tribune.

It’s nice Reinert has been on Facebook, but I would have been more impressed if the editors had pointed out a single useful accomplishment springing from his hands.

Notwithstanding his Facebook presence, Reinert ignored the Red Plan. That’s why I’m glad to have former lawmaker Mike Jaros’ endorsement for state Senate. Jaros is not on Facebook, but he actually listened to voters.

Harry Welty


The writer is a DFL candidate for state Senate in District 7.

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