Man of the Bible

I sent this video of Sarah Cooper lip syncing the President to my French pen pal S. It is, of course, complete gibberish so I typed up the transcript.

NOTE: if the image doesn’t play go here.

Q. I am wondering what 1 or 2 of your most favorite Bible uh versus are and w…?

A. Well, I wouldn’t want to get into it because to me thats very personal. You know when I talk about the Bible its very personal so I don’t want to get into it. I

Q. You don’t want to get into…

A. No, I, I…

Q. continued….means a lot to you that you think about or cite….

A. The the Bible means a lot to me but I don’t want to get into specifics.

Q. Even to cite a verse that you like…?

A. No! I don’t want to do that….

Q. Are you an Old Testament guy or a New Testament Guy?

A. Probably equal. I think its just an incredible, The whole Bible is an incredible – I joke very much – so they always hold up the Art of the Deal – I say my second favorite book of all time. But a, I just think the Bible is just something very special.

I also mentioned that the President tear gassed peaceful protesters away from the church across the street to make room for his photo op.

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