Mowing my weeds and a mighty Yawn

I’m writing this at 10:40 AM Thursday but I’d prefer people pay more attention to my contempt for Donald Trump the (gacck …. President of the United States) in the previous post for another ten hours before posting the rest of this. So, come back later for the rest.


My plan yesterday was to come back today with a significant pile of returned envelopes from my recent fundraising mailing; take a picture of it and post it. I explained that a 1% return could be expected or about 20 letters. Three to five should have come back today. Before going to the PO I had half an hour to kill so I decided to mow my lawn or as the title suggests, my weeds. The end of summer has been dry and my grass has turned brown and stopped growing. The grass didn’t need a mowing but the weeds shot up. I don’t want to disappoint any passing voters who are fussy about yard work. I’m a diligent campaigner when I’m on top of the world.

There will be no photograph today showing me reaping the rewards of my compelling message. There was only an advert in the PO box. A Mighty Yawn indeed.

There was a lot more I meant to write but that was this morning. Eleven hours on I have more pressing concerns like feeding my cat. Sorry if I led you on.

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