Under the canopy of the mighty Sequoias

I couldn’t have picked a worse time to leave Duluth but I didn’t pick it. I need to raise $100,000 by June 30th.

After a little fretting it occurred to me I’m not needed in Duluth. I sent our Let Duluth crowd this in an email:

When I told Let Duluth Vote I would be gone in this last critical fundraising week I knew it would be like a blow to the solar plexus. It shouldn’t be. It’s probably the best thing I could do come to think of it. I could never raise $100,000 by myself in a week’s time any more than I could put out a forest fire single handedly.

I’ll be touring the King Tut exhibit and hiking in California’s Sequoia forest but I’ll keep posting daily results here on the blog as well as other news. Any organization that comes to regard one person as indispensable dies with that person. Let Duluth Vote can and should be the sum of its parts. I am nothing without them and my absence this week will prove it.

If any of my 600 regular readers want to donate call this number 724-1887 and ask where to deliver a check to help pay our bond. Counting the $6,500 we we already had and won’t need for a mailing (because its too late) we’ve raised $32,000 in three days.

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