Harry reads Adano

I love this book. It won a Pulitzer in 1945 the year after it was first published and while the Second World War was grinding to an end. I am about to start Chapter 23 which is two thirds of the way to the end. I decided to record the Foreward and the first chapter last night and to see if I could figure out how to post the reading here. I used my cell phone’s voice recorder app. Its not a fancy studio recording and I made some mistakes and I also hammed it up with 1940’s Hollywoodish “Eyetalian” accents. Hershey was just building on a kind of writing pioneered by Mark Twain in that regard.

Even though Eyetalians might feel a bit sterotyped by Hershey’s depiction of them today the Americans get the same treatment. Find this book and read it all. Its a short read and it will help you feel like you’re washing a whole lot of today’s politics out of your system.

A Bell for Adano Foreward 4 minutes

A Bell for Adano Chapter 1 part A 26 minutes

A Bell for Adano Chapter 1 part B 19 minutes

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