There is no there, part 3

Well, well. After posting Part 1 and especially Part 2 it will be much harder for me to bring peace to the School Board. Remember I only claim to be honest, not truthful. I wish Mark Twain was a better guide: Here are a couple of his suggestions:

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”

“When in doubt tell the truth. It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.”

At the moment the Superintendent, and perhaps the majority of the School Board are mightily resisting the efforts of the Civility Project to help get us together in a kumbaya gathering. The excuse seems to be that it would be a mistake while Mary Rice’s investigation is in process. Well, we can’t hide behind that excuse any more.

I like to sing and Kumbaya is a hopeful song. I just won’t sing it while hiding my crossed fingers behind my back.

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