Watch out for the Jersey Turnpike

Those select cinefiles who have watched the peculiar movie “Being John Malkovich” will understand this reference. That’s because the much esteemed actor, Malkovich, who seems sadly to have receded in the public conscience once was the title and major plot point of a movie by that name.

A character in the movie discovered a secret door which led to John Malkovich’s head. Enter it and you could see what John Malkovich was seeing in real time. In the movie Malkovich seemed unaware of visitors to his life. Some button, I don’t recall what,s when pushed ejected the uninvited guests to Malkovich’s life out of his head. They would land roughly next to the New Jersey Turnpike.

I think coming to is a bit like the move. Disappointingly when you visit you see my threadbare life not that of a well known Hollywood actor. Even so, when you leave there is still that dreadful moment of landing next to the Jersey Turnpike. I think that’s why so many visitors prolong their visit. They’ve come to expect a rough landing when they leave.

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