The Food Pantry a low cost, food rescue grocery shop; and The Staples Bag very affordable grocery packs at lots of different locations
There are also free and affordable meal providers listed on the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre website (under Meals and Food Services), or go to AskIzzy to find out what is available in your area.
Preparing food for yourself is cheaper than buying take away. payday loans Booneville payday loans direct lender There are lots of easy cook recipes and snack ideas online, or find someone who will cook dinner for/with you. You could provide the entertainment (board game), while they provide the dinner. Bring take away containers for leftovers. The Uni has microwaves you can use, which will save you from the expense of buying food on campus.
Lots of restaurants have discount lunch options, and most food courts will provide discounts near closing time. Be careful of food kept out of the fridge or heating for too long. Fresh food markets will discount boxes of food at closing time. You may also find pieces of fruit and vegetables that have fallen on the ground (gleaning).
Cheap housing in Sydney is extremely rare to find. There are many scams around that trick people out of their money, so if you find a deal that seems too good to be true, it’s likely to be a scam. Before paying a deposit or bond make sure you inspect the property, and carefully read the contract before signing it, paying particular attention to fees for moving out early. Get receipts for all money paid, and email a photo of them to yourself. The SRC has a leaflet with more hints and tips about accommodation, including getting help with your bond, and taking precautions when dealing with your landlord.
Cheap furniture, kitchen things, and clothes can be bought cheaply at op shops run by charities. The Bower in Marrickville also has secondhand furniture and small appliances. There are many groups on Facebook, including FreeCycle, Pay It Forward, Rough Trade, and Buy Swap Sell, that offers all sorts of things. You could also go to wealthier areas just before their council clean up days to see what they are putting out for disposal.
Family and Community Services (FACS) NSW are trialing a private rental subsidy called Rent Choice Assist that helps people to stay in rental properties, avoiding homelessness or moving to social housing. This trial is happening in the Hurstville, Campbelltown, Blacktown, and Newcastle areas. If eligible, the renter pays 25% of their weekly income plus 100% of Rent Assistance (Centrelink), and FACS pays the remainder of the rent. The renter’s contribution increases over a three-year period, until they transition out of the project. There is also a specific category called Rent Choice Youth for people aged 16 to 24 years, and Rent Choice Start Safely for people fleeing domestic violence. To apply contact FACs as soon as possible.
The University Health Service (Wentworth Building) provides bulk billing for domestic students and direct billing for Allianz OSHC. There is usually no additional gap fee’ for other insurance holders. Many other doctors’ surgeries will not charge a gap fee, especially for full time students, but always check when making a booking.
Psychologist appointments are often very expensive, so getting a subsidy can be very helpful. If you are a domestic student ask your GP for a mental health plan to get ten subsidised treatments. There are a few services that will bulk bill or charge no or a small gap fee, for example, Uplift Psychological Services, or eHeadSpace. You could also contact psychologists in your local area and ask if they can discount their fee. The University has a free Counselling Service that provides a limited service for students, but rarely provides documentation necessary for Special Consideration. There is a Psychology Clinic linked to the School of Psychology, who can provide counselling and may also do testing for conditions including ADHD, for a fee. Ask them for details.