The Cast of Moesha: Where Will They Be Now?

The Cast of Moesha: Where Will They Be Now?

It’s been two decades since young black colored girls associated with the ’90s were introduced to Moesha Mitchell and her Southern l . a . team: Kim, Niecy and Hakeem. Since the show’s debut in January 1996, most of the actors have actually stayed out from the limelight. But a number of them have actually offered us a peek to their life on truth tv. Take a good look at exactly what the cast is up to for the past twenty years.

Brandy Norwood, Then

“Mo into the, E towards the.” Moesha Mitchell ended up being a good, separate teenager, growing up with her buddies in Southern Central Los Angeles when you look at the ’90s. She rolled with Kim, Niecy and Hakeem to Crenshaw twelfth grade until her dad forced her to attend personal college after a rendezvous together with her then-boyfriend, Q. She had been a nosy, stubborn know-it-all from time to time, but she had been additionally unlike many young black colored girls during the time: willing to simply simply take from the globe one minute at any given time.

Brandy Norwood, Now

Brandy Norwood has been super busy within the last 2 decades. She established the Slayana World Tour in 2016, visiting European countries during June and July. She circulated the solitary “Beggin’ and Pleadin’” early this current year. Brandy circulated her final studio record album in 2012, called Two Eleven (that will be her birthday, Feb. 11). This year as for acting, she co-starred on The Game for three seasons, and she starred in Zoe Ever After on BET. Needless to say, she also had her start Broadway, as Roxie Hart in Chicago, in 2015.

Countess Vaughn, Now

Countess Vaughn circulated a music movie for “ Do you really Love Him? ” in August. She starred in TV One’s Hollywood Divas in 2014. She was of her success , Vaughn also said she’d never rekindle their relationship although she recently took to Instagram to tell Brandy how proud.

Shar Jackson, Then

Niecy Jackson had been Moesha’s other friend that is close later on became her roomie in university. The team constantly made enjoyable of Niecy because she had a large family members and frequently had to look after her siblings.

Shar Jackson, Now

Within the last 2 decades, Shar Jackson has appeared in one-off episodes of a few television shows, including everyone Hates Chris additionally the Bernie Mac Show. But her many unforgettable functions in the last few years were as by by by herself, on VH1’s Celebrity Fit Club as well as on TV One’s Hollywood Divas.

Yvette Wilson

Andell Wilkerson had been who owns the Den, the crew’s hangout spot that is local. She not merely supplied a house out of the house but additionally offered the teenagers helpful advice. Yvette Wilson passed away in 2012 after problems from cervical cancer tumors. She ended up being 48.

Fredro Starr, Then

If that old saying is true—that good girls like bad guys — then Quinton “Q” Brooks had been demonstrably the most perfect match for Moesha. He hailed from nyc, and their demeanor that is hard intrigued to no end. That is, until Frank had the word that is last.

Fredro Starr, Now

Fredro Starr’s many role that is memorable Moesha is probable their part as Bird on HBO’s The Wire. He could be set to arise in a movies that are few 12 months— right Here Comes the sunlight and Equal Standard— based on IMDb . In 2015 his rap group, Onyx, circulated its album that is latest, Against All Authorities.

Ray J, Then

“ Wait a moment , ain’t that Brandy’s sibling?” That’s what audiences may have expected on their own once the character Dorian Long first showed up in the show as Mo and Myles’ “cousin.” He had been a bit mischievous and had been a definite foil for Mo and Myles, have been generally speaking good young ones. As had been revealed later on, “D-Money” ended up being actually the Mitchell kids’ half-brother.

Ray J, Now

Therefore, after Moesha, Ray J recorded a hit that is few, starred in an intercourse tape, co-starred for a reality-television show and perhaps dated Whitney Houston. Lately he married Princess adore, whom stars reverse him on VH1’s enjoy & hiphop: Hollywood.

William Allen Younger, Then

Frank Mitchell had been Moesha’s strict and dad that is overbearing. He was a vehicle salesman by time and had been all up in Moesha’s company when the sun goes down. He had been reluctant to let her date—and definitely didn’t wish her dating someone rough around the sides like Quinton.

William Allen Younger, Now

William Allen younger presently stars as Dr. Rollie Guthrie from the medical drama Code Black. He and Brandy recently worked together regarding the Game, with Young Col that is portraying, the star soccer player’s daddy.

Sheryl Lee Ralph, Then

Dee Mitchell had been Moesha’s stepmother while the vice principal at Crenshaw senior high school. While she and Moesha butted minds throughout the very first period regarding the show, they ultimately mended their relationship and Moesha was able to confide in her own, particularly when Moesha’s dad ended up being too overbearing.

Sheryl Lee Ralph, Now

Sheryl Lee Ralph features a role that is recurring television Land’s Instant mother as Maggie Turner, the lead character’s mother. In 2013 she additionally had a recurring part on Showtime’s Ray Donovan. She has also been honored using the Muhammad Ali Humanitarian Award as of this awards that are year’s.

Marcus Paulk, Then

Myles Mitchell ended up being Mo’s little sibling. She frequently picked he pestered her and her friends with relentless practical jokes on him for being short and having big ears, and. As Myles got older, however, he had been subjected to medications and had been kidnapped just like the show had been canceled.

Marcus Paulk, Now

Marcus Paulk has been around a little bit of difficulty with all the legislation in the last few years. In 2015 he pleaded accountable to a misdemeanor DUI after an altercation at a brilliant Bowl celebration. In 2013 he had been faced with domestic physical physical violence against their gf . Of late he showed up on a bout of Black-ish. He could be presently filming The Infamous, in accordance with IMDb .

Lamont Bentley

Hakeem Campbell lived across the street to the Mitchells and had been always on time for break fast each and every morning. Although Kim had a soft spot for him, Hakeem later dated Moesha while she was at university. After Moesha, Lamont Bentley starred in a few episodes for the Parkers and final showed up on-screen in a time into the life last year. Bentley died in a motor car wreck in 2005. He had been 31.

Countess Vaughn, Then

Kim Parker, Moesha’s companion, ended up being believing that 1 day Hakeem would definitely fall mind over heels in deep love with her. She ended up being a lot dim-witted, but she was always straight down for a few shenanigans with all the team. That is, until Brandy Norwood and Countess Vaughn had a falling down in real world and she exited the show to star into the Parkers.

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