Here’s Jeff Anderson’s latest email seeking support in the DFL caucuses. We’re lucky. Jeff isn’t an “upstart.”
Jeff Anderson Democratic-Farmer-Labor For Congress ONE OF US. FOR US. February 1st, 2012 The Long Haul Dear Friend ,
We were lucky up here in the Eighth Congressional District. We had a long history of upstart congressional candidates who managed to win when they were young, and then worked their way up through the ranks to become powerful leaders in our nations capital, earning the seniority necessary to be effective leaders for the people of northern Minnesota .I’m the upstart congressional candidate in this race. Despite my relative youth, I have an impressive track record of creating success through hard work and determination. These skills have served me well as a leader in Duluth, and they will continue to serve me well in this campaign, and with your help, in Congress. Other candidates may outspend me, but none will outwork me; and at the end of the day, it is hard work that endears you to the people of the Eighth District.
We deserve a leader who is going to fight for long-term investment in our district. We need a tireless champion who is going to work for the future betterment of our region and communities. We need a representative who is willing to put in the time to gain back our power. I’m prepared to go to Congress for the long haul to do just this for us .
I am the only candidate in this race who can claim recent electoral success in our district. I am the candidate who is talking about the future of northern Minnesota and knows what kind of hard work needs to be done. I’m dedicated to working as hard as I can to assure that we get back on the path to prosperity.
We can get where we need to go; but we need to make an investment in the future today. We can’t be shortsighted with vision that only spans the next few years.
On Tuesday, February 7th, precinct caucuses will be held throughout the district and this year, a straw poll will be held to give an early indication of candidate support levels. If you want to take back this district and get us back on the right path, I need not only your vote in the straw poll, but if possible, your support as a delegate. For those of you that are new to the process, our website has all the information you need on serving as a delegate. It is really an easy process, but it is an important first step.
Can I count on your support?
Jeff Anderson
– Jeff
PS. Jeff asks for money